
Well Known Member
While flight testing my new engine, I also qualified for the ADS-B rebate from the FAA with my 430W and GTX345 installation. It took me 2 tries maneuvering for 30 minutes above 10,000 feet to get the green light. Some tips for others with similar setups.

1) your 430W may or may not need a software update from a dealer. Mine did at the cost of shipping and $150. Some of the ADS-B options were not available in the setup menus before I got the update.

2) in order to get my GTX345 to work correctly, It requires that your tail number be entered in the setup menus. It took me some time to figure this out, and finally i discovered that I had omitted to add the "N" before my registration.This got rid of the "ads-b fail" message

3) The last and final hang up was a setting in the GTX345 for its "integrity error" or IE setting. I believe the possible settings are "auto", IE-3 IE-8 and IE-12. There are notes in the installation manual that explain all Garmin GPS sources are IE-8.

Once I took care of these items, got a all green test, along with the incentive code.

I love the GTX 345. the built in bluetooth to Foreflight works slick, and having an all in one unit from a reputable company like Garmin is even better. I called the Garmin experimental helpline a few times, and they where fantastic to deal with

Good luck!

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1) your 430W may or may not need a software update from a dealer. Mine did at the cost of shipping and $150. Some of the ADS-B options were not available in the setup menus before I got the update.

For others: Go to the hidden menu page, look for 'RS232 output formats'. If you see 'ADSB+' listed, you're all set. If not, you need the software upgrade. (You must see the +, ADSB without the + is not sufficient).
The dealers, not Garmin, set the price. Shop around. I found one in NorCal that did it for $70. Took him 15 minutes watching software load.
Note added: Someone here on VAF has the software upgrade datacards, and was offering to let you rent them for $50.
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Garmin 430w series update for ads-b+ output

I'm the one renting the update cards.

For others: Go to the hidden menu page, look for 'RS232 output formats'. If you see 'ADSB+' listed, you're all set. If not, you need the software upgrade. (You must see the +, ADSB without the + is not sufficient).
The dealers, not Garmin, set the price. Shop around. I found one in NorCal that did it for $70. Took him 15 minutes watching software load.
Note added: Someone here on VAF has the software upgrade datacards, and was offering to let you rent them for $50.