
Active Member
430 waas Nav Data Update Help!

I?m ready to throw this thing off a bridge.

430waas, silver data card, orange jeppesen programmer usb adapter.

How do I get the Nav data update? I installed the jeppesen program and it sees the card, but I do not have any options available?

Do I need to log into The Jeppesen site first or something?

Thoroughly confused.

Thanks for any help,

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Do you currently have a subscription or are you looking to get one? If you don't have one, You have to call Jeppesen/ Boeing on the phone to get it because you can't currently select it on their website. Once you do that, in about 5 minutes it will show up on the dowloaded JDM app. Hope this helps.

OK, nothing like having to make a voice call in 2019.I?ll give em a ring Monday.
I?m gonna blame this on BOEING, never had this issue before that buyout...


PS. Do I need to dial 1 before the area code?!?!
NAV Data can only be purchased from Jeppesen/Boeing and if you want terrain data, that can only be purchased from Garmin. Also. I am told that each's card reader won't work with the other's anymore. (I haven't verified that though). When you dial, select sales. 800-353-2107. They will ask you for your customer number that you set up. Hope this helps .
NAV Data can only be purchased from Jeppesen/Boeing and if you want terrain data, that can only be purchased from Garmin. Also. I am told that each's card reader won't work with the other's anymore. (I haven't verified that though). When you dial, select sales. 800-353-2107. They will ask you for your customer number that you set up. Hope this helps .

Not true...you can buy Nav data directly from Garmin now. I switched from Jepp to Garmin for my subscriptions a couple of years ago. You do have to buy a different card reader/writer thing from Garmin, but once you have it and the subscription it's pretty easy (log in on the FlyGarmin website, select your device, and follow the on-line prompts/instructions...it will open the app on your computer automatically, etc.).
Not true...you can buy Nav data directly from Garmin now. I switched from Jepp to Garmin for my subscriptions a couple of years ago. You do have to buy a different card reader/writer thing from Garmin, but once you have it and the subscription it's pretty easy (log in on the FlyGarmin website, select your device, and follow the on-line prompts/instructions...it will open the app on your computer automatically, etc.).

I hope you are correct. Have you updated recently? I was on the phone Thursday night with Garmin and was specifically told that they no longer do NAV Data and that this was a recent change. He told me that I would have to contact Jeppesen/Boeing to get it. The gentleman told me I could only get obstacle and terrain data through Garmin and I had to use their specific card for it to work also, and I did download the flygarmin app. I hope I am incorrect but would find it strange that I was willing to spend a bunch of coin only to be sent to their competitor.
Yes, Garmin does NavData subscriptions at a lower price than Jepp. I currently have a Garmin Nav Data subscription which is $399.00/yr for the entire US. But you have to use the Garmin card programmer since the Jepp card programmer is not compatible with the Garmin Data. At least the Garmin card programmer isn't overly expensive.

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Yes, Garmin does NavData subscriptions at a lower price than Jepp. I currently have a Garmin Nav Data subscription which is $399.00/yr for the entire US. But you have to use the Garmin card programmer since the Jepp card programmer is not compatible with the Garmin Data. At least the Garmin card programmer isn't overly expensive.


I figured it out. My 430 is non waas. So it isn't avail thru garmin but it is for the 430w. Sorry for the bad gouge.
I figured it out. My 430 is non waas. So it isn't avail thru garmin but it is for the 430w. Sorry for the bad gouge.

Well, that certainly does change things a bit. Glad you got it figured out.
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But you have to use the Garmin card programmer since the Jepp card programmer is not compatible with the Garmin Data.

Just to avoid confusion...the Jepp card programmer IS compatible with Garmin data...it HAS to be in order to write the data onto the card in a format that the 430 will understand.

It's not compatible with the Garmin *program* which does the writing.

I only add that to clarify that you can use either combo, depending on your wishes, with the same cards: Jepp subscription and program + Jepp card writer, or Garmin subscription and flyGarmin program + Garmin card writer. At least for the WAAS version. I have no idea about non-WAAS.

Personally, I switched to the Garmin app and card writer a few years back, and found it cheaper for the same data (Nav, obstacles and terrain) and easier to use. YMMV.

I've got a 430W and switched to Garmin a year or so ago. Garmin was definitely cheaper. And although it's hardly a triumph of user-friendliness, the Garmin download software & procedure was better than Jeppesen's. Jepp's whole setup was really arcane.

Just to avoid confusion...the Jepp card programmer IS compatible with Garmin data...it HAS to be in order to write the data onto the card in a format that the 430 will understand.

It's not compatible with the Garmin *program* which does the writing.

I only add that to clarify that you can use either combo, depending on your wishes, with the same cards: Jepp subscription and program + Jepp card writer, or Garmin subscription and flyGarmin program + Garmin card writer. At least for the WAAS version. I have no idea about non-WAAS.

Personally, I switched to the Garmin app and card writer a few years back, and found it cheaper for the same data (Nav, obstacles and terrain) and easier to use. YMMV.
Update on the update. So y?all were correct, a phone call and +/- $160 later and I have the one time NAV data update thru Jeppesen using their USB adapter.
Spent 11 minutes on the phone so it wasn?t too painful.

Thank you everyone for all of the help.

Jeppesen JDM MAC OS El Capitan 10.11.6 Bad Elf Wombat

PLEASE, Somebody Help Me,,,

I just talked to Jeppesen this afternoon after trying unsuccessfully to download the recent IFR cycle for my Garmin 430W on the JDM and was told the new Jeppesen downloads for MAC users require Mac OS Sierra 10.12 or newer.

I was told because my MACPRO is not able for the higher upgrade (not a computer person) my options were to purchase a new MAC computer (reload JDM) OR purchase a Bad Elf Wombat. What the heck is a Bad Elf Wombat? That's what I said!

So I got into this discussion with the Jeppesen tech support person how was all the independent occasional IFR pilots with own airplane and little computer knowledge (like me) to keep current NAV in the cockpit without purchasing new equipment from Apple or Microsoft as planned obsolescence or technology change/advancements (profits) and Jeppesen no longer supports what has worked for us previously. We are not commercial operation with multi-plane fleet and I don't wish or think I have to update my computer just for Jeppesen NAV data card to keep current in cockpit.

I was told I could purchase a Bad Elf Wombat ($249) or new computer. Really.

Is there anyone else out there like me who can help me out and share with everyone with Garmin 430W and JDM. Does Garmin have subscriptions NAV Data cycle updates without me purchasing a new computer or a BAD ELF WOMBAT? What would anyone WANT to purchase something called a BAD ELF WOMBAT anyway? I would gladly end my subscription with Jeppesen.

Thank you so much.

Kenny Gene
Wichita Kansas area Aviator
Rv7a AWC 9-07 690 hrs sold 11-11
Rv10 AWC 10-10 849 hours
Does Garmin have subscriptions NAV Data cycle updates without me purchasing a new computer or a BAD ELF WOMBAT?

I don't know if it will run on your Mac (Windows here), but as noted, yes, Garmin does have their own subscription program now. You'll need to buy their card reader/programmer, but it's cheap (like 79 buck IIRC, or something like that).

Call Garmin and talk to them.
I don't know know what other equipment you are using, or the size of your checkbook, but the Garmin 430 has been around for over 20 years. Might be a good time to sell the 430 and upgrade to the new 325/355/375 units. Database updates are simple via USB port using Garmin or Jep data, with no programmer required. Used prices for the 430/530 units has dropped quite a bit recently, and it is my understanding that Garmin has discontinued support for non-WAAS units. It's only a matter of time before these become dinosaurs.
There?s usually someone around who will swap a current card for your non current card and charge you for the update as they have a subscription and don?t use every update. Can?t remember who or if they were on this forum but I have done that in the past also.

Or, use a friends computer...

Good luck.
We shall see...

There are a TON of 430s out there, and they still reliably provide the coveted /g status, en route and approach, for IFR flight. Meanwhile, the Flightstream interface is now available, giving them at least a bit of modern panache. Assuming his 430 doesn't need work (which is extortionately expensive), I don't think feared obsolescence is a good reason to shell out the big $ delta between (a) continuing to use his existing 430W and (b) swapping it out for a new 325/355/375.

I don't know know what other equipment you are using, or the size of your checkbook, but the Garmin 430 has been around for over 20 years. Might be a good time to sell the 430 and upgrade to the new 325/355/375 units. Database updates are simple via USB port using Garmin or Jep data, with no programmer required. Used prices for the 430/530 units has dropped quite a bit recently, and it is my understanding that Garmin has discontinued support for non-WAAS units. It's only a matter of time before these become dinosaurs.
Thank you for sharing.

The problem is not my 430W's or my Nav data cards. The issue is Jeppesen no longer supports MACPRO El Captan 10.11.6, (also guessing various older versions of Microsoft also) so I cannot download and install Jeppesen current or new JDM to download my NAV data cards without having software to run Jeppesen's new version of JDM download system.

Maybe someone will see an opportunity and open up to download cards. I've had a Jeppesen account for over 12 years, but I guess Jeppesen only wants large or fleet operators, or individuals that will keep buying all the latest computer systems for home. I'm happy with my computer system and don't wish to purchase new home computer system just for Jeppesen JDM download software.

I'll call Garmin to see if they have continued support of OS X El Capitan version 10.11.6 software.

Please keep the idea's flowing.

Kenny Gene
Wichita Kansas area Aviator
Rv7a AWC 9-07 690 hrs sold 11-11
Rv10 AWC 10-10 849 hours

Try Don Ivener for data cards. Email [email protected]

BTW, Garmin still repairs all 430?s except very early 28 volt only GNS430 (non WAAS). Update of 430 to 430W is also still available.

Jim Butcher
Thank you for sharing.

The problem is not my 430W's or my Nav data cards. The issue is Jeppesen no longer supports MACPRO El Captan 10.11.6, (also guessing various older versions of Microsoft also) so I cannot download and install Jeppesen current or new JDM to download my NAV data cards without having software to run Jeppesen's new version of JDM download system.

Maybe someone will see an opportunity and open up to download cards. I've had a Jeppesen account for over 12 years, but I guess Jeppesen only wants large or fleet operators, or individuals that will keep buying all the latest computer systems for home. I'm happy with my computer system and don't wish to purchase new home computer system just for Jeppesen JDM download software.

I'll call Garmin to see if they have continued support of OS X El Capitan version 10.11.6 software.

Please keep the idea's flowing.

Kenny Gene
Wichita Kansas area Aviator
Rv7a AWC 9-07 690 hrs sold 11-11
Rv10 AWC 10-10 849 hours

I have no idea how old that OS is, but if it's fairly long in the tooth, they may not support it; that wouldn't necessarily be the vendor's fault, as it really is kind of unreasonable to expect avionics vendors to support all extant versions of any OS. Eventually, users really do have to upgrade their home or work computers to newer versions.

That said, yours might not be that old, I dunno.
Ok, so I'm been doing some work/research on upgrading this morning. Any MAC experts out there?

I have concluded my MAC has version OS X El Capitan Version 10.11.6. My Apple store when I click on the upper left apple, About this Mac, takes you to the App Store and no updates are available. However in order to run the upgraded Jeppesen JDM I need MAC OS 10.12.

Now I'm trying to figure out why my MAC has not sent out and requested automatic upgrades or maybe if I'm even able to upgrade to Sierra or High Sierra. I do have a flying and building buddy who is a MAC guy and so we are trying to figure this out. Thank you Keith.

I'm not a huge computer guy (spreadsheet's yes, OS systems and tech-no) I did well with what I needed, but all the upgrades and buy new this or that is crazy! My hats off and appreciation for older than I (59) pilots that have a grasp on all the smart phones, computers, wireless printers and even all the TV streaming options! Crazy techno world!

I always want current IFR NAV in the cockpit when flying just incase I need to file, however this is a lot of work and frustration for not so hot computer folks to get all figured out.

All suggestions are appreciated. If not for me, someone else on our wonderful site to share with.

Thanks again.

Kenny Gene
Wichita Kansas area Aviator
Rv7a AWC 9-07 690 hrs sold 11-11
Rv10 AWC 10-10 849 hours
Macs won't show an update available to a new major OS version. To get that upgrade you have to use the Mac App Store app. Then you can search for Sierra or High Sierra and download the updater from there. It won't let you try to update to a version that doesn't work on your machine.
Thank you ColoradoSolar for this piece of information.

I have tried several times this morning to update. My buddy suggested I update from my current OS X El Capitan version 10.11.6 to Mac 10.12 Sierra first then onto the High Sierra.

He sent me the link, I downloaded the 10.12, I think it was installed, I closed down my computer and restarted thinking I would now have the Mac 10.12 installed now and when I went to the upper left bar apple icon and clicked About this Mac, the OS X El Capitan version 10.11.6 was still there, no change.

How and what process/steps do I need to upgrade? Can I go to App Store and purchase or download? What do I search for? How do I get this. I purchased my MacPro from Best Buy and covered by the Geek Squad, is this something I must take there to upgrade?

I'm still so lost.

Thank you all in advance for help.


Kenny Gene
Wichita Kansas area Aviator
Rv7a AWC 9-07 690 hrs sold 11-11
Rv10 AWC 10-10 849 hours
. I purchased my MacPro from Best Buy and covered by the Geek Squad, is this something I must take there to upgrade?
Kenny Gene
Wichita Kansas area Aviator
Rv7a AWC 9-07 690 hrs sold 11-11
Rv10 AWC 10-10 849 hours

If you purchased the Geek Squad insurance then by all means take it to them. They?ll know how to deal with this. But....you may have a problem.
Every year I use software (Turbo...) for income taxes. About every 3 years it won?t run, and sends a message ?Software Upgrade needed?. So I upgraded. But eventually, when I tried to upgrade to the newest operating system, I got another message, ?More memory required?. The OS had gotten so large it wouldn?t fit! Choice was to buy new memory cards, or a whole new computer. Cost was nearly the same, so I now own a newer computer (fortunately keyboard, monitor did not need upgrading). It?s planned obsolescence.
Maybe you have a friend with a newer/larger machine who you can visit once a month....
Thank you ColoradoSolar for this piece of information.

I have tried several times this morning to update. My buddy suggested I update from my current OS X El Capitan version 10.11.6 to Mac 10.12 Sierra first then onto the High Sierra.

He sent me the link, I downloaded the 10.12, I think it was installed, I closed down my computer and restarted thinking I would now have the Mac 10.12 installed now and when I went to the upper left bar apple icon and clicked About this Mac, the OS X El Capitan version 10.11.6 was still there, no change.

How and what process/steps do I need to upgrade? Can I go to App Store and purchase or download? What do I search for? How do I get this. I purchased my MacPro from Best Buy and covered by the Geek Squad, is this something I must take there to upgrade?

I'm still so lost.

Thank you all in advance for help.


Kenny Gene
Wichita Kansas area Aviator
Rv7a AWC 9-07 690 hrs sold 11-11
Rv10 AWC 10-10 849 hours

When you go to About this Mac what year does it say your MacBook Pro is?
Wow! This has been an experience.

To answer an earlier question, my MacBook Pro is Mid-2015.

I still have not been able to upgrade on my own, but I was able to get into a Best Buy and talk with Geek Squad, since I have the full service contract. For some reason, when I purchased my MacBook Pro, I was told to install Parallels Desktop for a couple of programs I was using at the time, but I ended up purchasing another notebook computer, an HP with MS Windows and never used the Parallels Desktop. Maybe (the Geek wasn't for sure, but said there is no hardware reason my notebook was not App Store upgraded to Mojave or Catalina) but maybe because the MacBook hard drive is split for the Parallels could have, don't know, but could be a factor. Again, I am not a computer whiz only a user.

Long story short, I was told because of my service support with Geek Squad, I will only need to purchase a backup hard drive and then Geek Squad will completely back up hard drive, clean hard drive and install the latest Apple OS. I'll be without my computer for 2-3 days. I was told the Geek would upgrade from El Capitan to Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave and finally latest version Catalina.

I'm busy and cannot give my MacBook until after first of December, but If this is the course of action I must take, then after I get my computer back from Geek with JDM re-installed, I'll provide an update post of results. All this for which started out just trying to update my 30 day IFR cycle for my 2 Garmin 430's, as I have done for the past 10 years.

Just like building, it takes measuring, cutting, filing, sanding, fitting, trial fitting and final fit.

Thank all of you whom read and contributed to this cause. Sometime's it takes a village.


Kenny Gene
Wichita Kansas area Aviator
Rv7a AWC 9-07 690 hrs sold 11-11
Rv10 AWC 10-10 849 hours
Sounds like the Geek Squad is going to get you taken care of.

Your machine will run Catalina just fine, my MacBook Pro is a mid 2012 model and it is still supported by Catalina.
Love the wombat

Both my macs were to the end of there upgrade life, Yosemite 10.10.5. The wombat arrived in record time and my iPad is now my platform to up load Nav data for mu 430W. Worked like a charm, also serves as a a charger for the iPhone and iPad. Bad-elf wombat to the rescue. Works for me.
My advice is to find an avionics shop you like either local or national and send them your old cards and they will send you fresh ones. You save hassle, they make a little money, and you keep a relationship going so that when you're on the road and need quick phone advice, they are there for you.
Keeping some cash flowing to the pro's pays dividends.