
Well Known Member
I have never been able to get my 430 to guild my EFIS (CDI) display. They are hooked up with the old OBS/LOC/GS analog wires.
Last night I check all the wiring (fun under the panel work) and they are connected as per BMA. I then plugged in the 430 and tested the pins at the plug that goes into the BMA-EFIS. I used the 430's test mode to send right/mid/left and up/mid/down deflection out the pins in the cable. The only voltage that I saw on each of the four pins tested was always -250mv.
Is there something that I am not doing right or is this just a bad unit.

Which connector?

The GNS 430 has 2 set of CDI outputs. There main CDI is on P4001. This one is GPS/NAV and the secondary one is on P4006 and it is only NAV. Can you verify that you have the main output connected?
Yes it is the main one.

fmarino1976 said:
The GNS 430 has 2 set of CDI outputs. There main CDI is on P4001. This one is GPS/NAV and the secondary one is on P4006 and it is only NAV. Can you verify that you have the main output connected?
On the P4001 connector.

What is the diff. between main and secondary? Only the NAV portion of the radio goes to it?

Secondary output

the sec output is NAV only, no GPS/NAV switching. If the CDI is hooked up on P4001, ans still no deflection... it sounds like the 430 is not driving the outputs.

I was told that the 430 is always outputing on the analog pins. Is this correct or could the unit be incorrectly configured so that these output were not working?

Kent I connected the 430 to my BMA G4. It does work fine. The 430 does in fact always output analog. You first must verify that the connections from the 430 are proper as in checking the leads for voltage. When you go into the setup for the 430 you can get to a page that will let you select what the analog outputs are doing. IE left,right,flag,up down etc... These voltages will be in millivolts so you will need a digital meter.
As far as the BMA goes what model do you have? Have you downloaded the most current wiring diagram? Some software changes have been made that addresses different ports.
Who did the connectors for the Garmin stuff?

Jeff Beckley
Thanks Jeff.

jeff beckley said:
Kent I connected the 430 to my BMA G4. It does work fine. The 430 does in fact always output analog. You first must verify that the connections from the 430 are proper as in checking the leads for voltage. When you go into the setup for the 430 you can get to a page that will let you select what the analog outputs are doing. IE left,right,flag,up down etc... These voltages will be in millivolts so you will need a digital meter.
As far as the BMA goes what model do you have? Have you downloaded the most current wiring diagram? Some software changes have been made that addresses different ports.
Who did the connectors for the Garmin stuff?

Jeff Beckley
I have the BMA G3 Lite. But this problem has nothing to do with the BMA product. With the cable unplugged from the EFIS, I tested the output of the 430 and always read -250mv on the four pins (GS +, GS - ,LOC +, LOC -). I have taken the 430 back to Pacific Coast Avionics, where I bought it.
Another issue with this unit is that it was purchase after the terrain feature was included with new units. I received the supplemental manual for terrain, but have never been able to get it into the terrain menu. Because I have never got this unit to work correctly, I have never sent in the registration. I believe that when I do I will get a new (current) data card.
Do I need to get the new data card before terrain is activated?


For the terrain to work, there is a board inside the unit that needs to be changed, a software upgrade and the terrain data card. Make sure that the unit has been upgraded, otherwise just putting the terrain data card won't do anything.
I talked to Garmin today.

When testing the output pins, it is necessary to test between the pairs of pins. The Left/Right pair should have anywhere between -150mv and + 150mv as you use the test menu option. The up/down pair should behave the same.

I found that the install manual that I have is very out-of-date. Mine is Rev J and Garmin now is a Rev R. Can anyone mail me the newer version?

