
Well Known Member
In the past I have used (and was taught) the LOC identifier while shooting a LOC approach. Doing so, provides DME to the FAF, fixes, and the missed. IE, You should be able to enter IMQJ for the localizer approach into 25 at KMQJ.
Well the other day while working with a student I noticed IMQJ did not work. In fact it said "no waypoint". I tried a few others and got the same thing. I also put in the LOC symbols on my dynon skyview and they did come up correctly. So is there a setting or something within the 430 that needs to be turned on for these symbols?...or what am I missing.
In the past I have used (and was taught) the LOC identifier while shooting a LOC approach. Doing so, provides DME to the FAF, fixes, and the missed. IE, You should be able to enter IMQJ for the localizer approach into 25 at KMQJ.
Well the other day while working with a student I noticed IMQJ did not work. In fact it said "no waypoint". I tried a few others and got the same thing. I also put in the LOC symbols on my dynon skyview and they did come up correctly. So is there a setting or something within the 430 that needs to be turned on for these symbols?...or what am I missing.

Not sure I follow you...what do you mean by "enter IMQJ"? If you're on a localizer, isn't IMQJ's frequency set in the VOR/LOC field on the 430, and you're navigating via LOC/GS? Where are you trying to enter "IMQJ"?
I too am confused. Are you saying entering ?IABC? was a menu shortcut? If so, I never heard of it. I push the Proc button, put in the airport ID if needed, ?select approach?, then select ?LOC 25? and ?enter and load?.
BTW, careful with terminology. The GPS will give distance to a fix, not ?DME?. I?m sensitive to this as our local approach was recently changed to an LOC-DME approach. When the GPS says distance to fix ABCDE is 0.2 miles, the DME will say 4.3 miles. They are not the same.
Not sure I follow you...what do you mean by "enter IMQJ"? If you're on a localizer, isn't IMQJ's frequency set in the VOR/LOC field on the 430, and you're navigating via LOC/GS? Where are you trying to enter "IMQJ"?

On SOME 430?s, you can select ILS or LOC approaches under the gps proc button, and it will then auto load the nav frequency on the VLOC side of the box and auto switch to VLOC, while giving a warning that the LNAVdata is advisory only. The option to, or not to, auto load and auto switch is found in the secret, hidden menu, accessible by holding down some button (Is it ?enter??) at power up. This can be handy if you want to use the gps to ID fixes (as in my LOC-DME approach), or if you want to have the gps ready to be used for missed approach navigation.
On SOME 430’s, you can select ILS or LOC approaches under the gps proc button, and it will then auto load the nav frequency on the VLOC side of the box and auto switch to VLOC, while giving a warning that the LNAVdata is advisory only. The option to, or not to, auto load and auto switch is found in the secret, hidden menu, accessible by holding down some button (Is it ‘enter’?) at power up. This can be handy if you want to use the gps to ID fixes (as in my LOC-DME approach), or if you want to have the gps ready to be used for missed approach navigation.

I know that (I have a 430W), and as mentioned, you select the approach for the airport, be it a GPS, RNAV, VOR or ILS approach, but I've never "entered" anything like "I-XYZ" anywhere. I don't understand what the OP is asking.

They're also not secret, hidden menu items...they're in the setup menus as described in the Installation Manual, IIRC. Yes, I think it's press and hold the Enter key while turning the unit on.

But as I said...I don't understand the original question.

BTW, I also don't understand what he means by "put in the LOC symbols on my dynon skyview and they did come up correctly." (I have a SV as well).
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I know that (I have a 430W), and as mentioned, you select the approach for the airport, be it a GPS, RNAV, VOR or ILS approach, but I've never "entered" anything like "I-XYZ" anywhere. I don't understand what the OP is asking.

They're also not secret, hidden menu items...they're in the setup menus as described in the Installation Manual, IIRC. Yes, I think it's press and hold the Enter key while turning the unit on.

But as I said...I don't understand the original question.

BTW, I also don't understand what he means by "put in the LOC symbols on my dynon skyview and they did come up correctly." (I have a SV as well).

I don?t understand the OP?s question either.
As to the set up menu: Probably not so secret to builders. But I regularly instruct members of a local Garmin-equipped flying club, and I?d say 95% of them are clueless as to the setup menu?s existance.