
Well Known Member
406 ELT Required by The Bahamas February 1, 2013
and by Mexico by June 1, 2013

Caribbean Flying Adventures (CFA) successfully collaborated with Civil Aviation authorities in the Dominican Republic and The Caymans Islands to obtain a waiver from the 406 ELT requirement. The Dominican Republic waiver is indefinite. The Cayman Islands waiver is valid through December 1, 2013 but will almost certainly be extended. CFA will work to insure that this happens.

Unfortunately, the waiver for an installed 406 ELT for the Bahamas will expire February 1, 2013 and for Mexico June 1, 2013. In order to be legal, pilots who want to fly to the Bahamas or Mexico will must install a 406 ELT.

CFA researched this issue and found that the U.S. Coast Guard continues to utilize the 121.5 frequency in their search and rescue operations. Thus, mandating the installation of the 406 ELT makes little sense for island flying. Additionally, ICAO experts have concluded than an installed ELT is useless once the aircraft sinks after the passengers have safely exited the aircraft. A hand held personal locator beacon then becomes the optimal search and rescue tool.

The bottom line is that pilots do not need to spend thousands of dollars installing a 406 ELT in order to fly to the Dominican Republic, The Cayman Islands or Puerto Rico. But begining Feb 1, 2013, they do need to spend the money in order to fly to the Bahamas.:cool:


My hope is it will be extended as is has been in the past. If not all the promotion they do will be for nothing.

I have my portable 406 ELT PLB "installed" in my plane but easily "uninstalled" (velcroed). Does that count? In addition, I have been to the Bahamas twice in my RV and never came close to any kind of inspection of my aircraft or person beyond passport examination, so I don't think one should be deterred from flying there just because they are using the 121.5 ELT. Seems that the risk of getting a hand slapped for not having one is worth the great experience of flying there.
Waiver for 121.5 ELT's Extended

My hope is it will be extended as is has been in the past. If not all the promotion they do will be for nothing.


It was extended:) ........... No changes for the forseeable future for the Bahamas! No need to change 121.5 ELT to 406, in other words, to fly south, except for Mexico.

Jim Baker
amazing how thing change so quickly. this is good news. :):cool:
For Immediate Release

406 ELT Required by The Bahamas February 1, 2013
and by Mexico by June 1, 2013

Caribbean Flying Adventures has been informed this evening by the Director of the Bahamas Civil Aviation Department that it will extend the Feb 1, 2013 deadline for installing 406 ELT's in aircraft flying to the Bahamas.

Even better news is that this waiver extension will be likely long term, removing uncertainly in the short term about flying your plane to the Bahamas.

For those pilots who were rethinking 2013 travel to the Bahamas, the coast is clear. Go for it.

And check out my two favorite places and FBO's in the Bahamas. Click here for my pilot's guide and then click on "Bahamas" under "Recommended Destinations."

For details go to:
or contact Jim Parker
[email protected]
I had to laugh after receiving the 2nd CFA report not even 48 hours later.
I guess the threat from GA got their attention.

I too have a 406 PLB that is velcroed in my cabin. I consider this way more valuable to me than a $1000 hard install. I can take it with me in the event of an emergency.
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