
Well Known Member
A few pictures of the last day of testing.

Untitled by akarmy, on Flickr

by akarmy, on Flickr

I put 40lbs of water in the back seat and 20lbs of sand in the rear baggage compartment. Didn't really notice much difference other than the tail coming down a bit faster when slow and 3 point. Will keep the speed up a touch for the first few passengers until I get used to the feel. Aerobatics with the rear weight was fine and didn't seem very much different, but then it's not that much weight.

Untitled by akarmy, on Flickr

Untitled by akarmy, on Flickr

Oh, and back at about 30 hours I found this...

Untitled by akarmy, on Flickr

Even after all the inspections, going over it time and time again and I look down and see the main control stick is missing it's cotter key... YIKES. I was looking at it as I'm working on a bent stick replacement to bring the stick back a bit. I'll post an update when I get the new grip to go with the bent stick.
Wow, the DAR inspector must've missed that too. The thought of losing the control system, or having it jam is one of several vivid pilot nightmares. So good that you caught it!
Bent Stick

Congrats. I'm jealous.

Give us some more details on your bent stick. I would like to bend my stick.
Congrats. I'm jealous.

Give us some more details on your bent stick. I would like to bend my stick.

You can search the archives for the topic. That's what I did and got a new stick from Vans and had it bent. It comes about a couple of inches and feels nice, but I can't use my Tosten grip with it, so I'm working on getting a new grip setup before I install it. I'll post more about it after it's done.
Wow, the DAR inspector must've missed that too. The thought of losing the control system, or having it jam is one of several vivid pilot nightmares. So good that you caught it!

It's a good reminder to continue to check things over carefully. You really can't expect any ONE person to catch everything. In this case, I very much doubt that the bolt would come out as it's horizontal and under tension with the stick at most times. but still, it's the control stick! :)
At the end of the day it's my responsibility to make sure it's right, my name is on the bottom line that said it's airworthy and I maintain it every day going forward.

Good attitude-------you have the concept down.

Congrats Andy!!!

Great job !!! :cool:

Including spotting that missing cotter pin... Better late than too late ...!!!
It's a good reminder to continue to check things over carefully. You really can't expect any ONE person to catch everything. In this case, I very much doubt that the bolt would come out as it's horizontal and under tension with the stick at most times. but still, it's the control stick! :)

Yes, multiple sets of eyeballs are always best. Your post is a great PSA for those who are still building to triple-check things.

Congrats on reaching the end of Phase 1! :):D
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Easy now. These types of attitudes keep people from posting things that might be helpful for others down the road. This of the "NASA forms". I considered not posting it at all to keep the flak down, but then I like to share what's going on in real time. At the end of the day it's my responsibility to make sure it's right, my name is on the bottom line that said it's airworthy and I maintain it every day going forward.

Inspection? I had the FSDO do mine and he didn't get within two feet of the plane. His biggest fear was getting a paper cut when shuffled my paper.

Congratulations Andy! I hope you have many more enjoyable and trouble free flights!
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Congratulations Andy! Thank you for documenting the entire building process and Phase 1 with your :Dfabulous detailed photos. It makes the entire project "come alive". BTW, what kind of camera are you using?
Congratulations Andy! Thank you for documenting the entire building process and Phase 1 with your :Dfabulous detailed photos. It makes the entire project "come alive". BTW, what kind of camera are you using?

You're not going to believe it, but this entire project from start to finish and all the pictures I posted are taken with my iPhone 5s! Camera phones sure have come a long ways. And this from me who works for Getty Images the worlds leading photography agency. :)
Congrats on the phase 1!!

But holy **** on the cotter pin! That is one of my biggest fears. Glad you spotted it

Andy what are your thoughts on wearing a bail out rig for some or most of phase 1?
Andy what are your thoughts on wearing a bail out rig for some or most of phase 1?

I thought about it, but then since I'm in a relatively populated area I very much would not want to bail out not knowing where the plane would go after I left it. It's a complicated situation that we each have to think about. There are lots of threads on it you can search on to get other opinions as well.

It seems to me that the highest probability of failure during phase 1 is engine related issues. As long as you are keeping some altitude you should be able to glide it down somewhere survivable in most cases.