
Active Member
Well I'll be at the point of painting my 9A this spring and I am interested in using a 4 stage turbine HVLP sprayer system and, of course, a fresh air breathing system. I found info on the Axis Citation system which accomodates both the fresh air and HVLP system all in one. The big issue is the cost: around $1400.00.

Does anyone know if this is a good system, is there a better system out there OR THE BIG QUESTION: does anyone out there have a 4 stage system that they would be willing to sell or "lease."

Pittsburgh, Pa
N918HB reserved
Go here to buy Citation Sprayer

Congratulations on nearing completion of your 9-A.

After weeks of searching, I found the following link and purchased a 4 stage Axis Citation unit, with two man, two half masks (40' ea) with 40' sprayer hose and suction (pressurized) sprayer for $1299. Single mask units are less.


Good luck.

Pat Garboden
Ozark, MO
RV9-A 942WG (reserved) O-235 w/slider painting stage
RV9-A 942PT (reserved) O-320 w/tip up wiring stage
This sounds like a great candidate for a partnership - a half-dozen guys splittig the cost & everyone gets to use it. If I were closer to paint I'd do it but alas, it'll be a couple more years for me.
I can attest that the Citation HVLP unit is very good and will do a good job for you. I have painted two planes myself and a friend used it for his plane. Neither of us are painters, yet we did respectable jobs.

In retrospect, I would consider getting the gravity feed cup. Not that the suction cup is bad, it just gets in the way when reaching over flat surfaces.

They've gone up in price! I paid 800 bucks for mine in 2000.

The Half Mask works nice under either the tyvex or heavier duty cloth hoods.
