Lobos speak RV...

I had this clip of 4 RVs taxiing out and departing with a South Dakota Guard F-16 in the pattern. The ATC guy was great to accommodate us when he was so busy. This is an example of how our ATC FAM flights pay-off.



Chris, as a former F16 pilot in "The Lobos" I can assure you they speak RV, well! Before I left there were at least 3 RV's under construction that are flying now. Great dudes...

BTW, thanks again for the inspection, Cat loves the 6A.
Merry Christmas!

PS: Bruce, The F16 has two radios, one UHF one VHF...
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That's cool. Tony and I had similar experience at KACY where he worked as a controller. But military didn not talk on our freq. Great video with nice scenery and beautiful clouds.
I'm sure

I am sure he was watching us. we had a big airshow at fnl about ten years ago with the blue angels and a norwegien F16 demo pilot. he was all about the rv and spent alot of time hanging around the rv hangar. several of us ( pre f16) guys got the over the shoulder power on cockpit check out. amazing aircraft for sure!

when we started doing formation hops at bjc the tower controllers were unfamiliar and not as accomodating as they are now.

I know most folks dont deal with the kind of airspace issues we have here and our leads all do a great job dealing with atc. It helps that everyone is professional and it gives us a better rep.

no problem on the inspection, my wednesday night bowling team mate is the a&p who has been doing the annuals so I learned even more about the airplane

merry christmas