
Well Known Member
I need to increase the size of the ducting to my remote oil cooler from 3" to 3.5"
or 4"
looking for a source for SCAT hose and flange. No luck at ACS.
Found it at Vans Aircraft, should have checked there firsthttp://www.vansairforce.com/community/images/smilies/smile.gif
Are you sure?

I need to increase the size of the ducting to my remote oil cooler from 3" to 3.5" or 4"
That seems strange to me since I am using a single 2" duct about 36" long and have plenty of cooling even on hot days. Are you sure the lack of inlet air is the problem? Could the the outlet be the problem? (High compression O-290-D2 here.)

Use some Aluminum dryer vent to see if you get result your looking for then buy scat.

Just did mine I used 4 inch SKEET. Smooth on the inside for better air flow. Also built plenum. Wicks had the skeet. Use straight runs if you can.
Just did that change myself, 3" to 4" SCAT, made all the difference in the world on my oil temps. I got the SCAT from VANS and the flange and clamps from ACS.