Louise Hose

Well Known Member
With STS-133 on hold until February, Paul and I can make plans for the holidays in Southern California. That means we are "on" for New Years Day lunch at the Barnstormers restaurant on the Big Bear City airport. Probably 11:30 am on the ramp. We'll start taking "reservations" after Christmas, so this note is just a heads-up. Not sure which of our RVs will come along on the trip. With cold winter temperatures, I'm thinking the -6 is the "right" plane. Either that, of Paul gets to ride in the backseat both ways!
Next year for sure.........

Sign me up for the 4th annual gathering.

Not really expecting to get out of phase 1 by then, weather report looks uck for the next few weeks.

Also, not too sure I want to go that far at first-----need to feel out the freedom when it arrives.

Have fun:D
Was thinking about some skiing at Big Bear with my son so that would be a good excuse to go as well. Hope to see you there, wx permitting.

Now about getting those skis in the RV...
Prudence is sexy!

Sign me up for the 4th annual gathering.

Not really expecting to get out of phase 1 by then, weather report looks uck for the next few weeks.

Also, not too sure I want to go that far at first-----need to feel out the freedom when it arrives.

Have fun:D

I appreciate your approach to Phase 1 and Phase 2! Fly safe and, hopefully, we'll celebrate the entry of 2012 together!
I posted a copy of the post and a link to this thread in the SoCAL RVlist.

In the past, Arizona and SoCAL Wings of Van's Air Force would meet in Laughlin on New Years day.

It is possible that this thread will divert many of those aircraft to Big Bear.
Louise, Paul:

I'll be there for sure, unless Ma Nature intervenes. My Father-in-Law (whose been at the first two with me) has already been asking if we're going again (for the past 6 months! :))

Condor, I added my name to the SoCal FFI calendar, with a comment about the L35 Brnch. Let's start talking this up among the Ravens and see if we can do some form work and a group arrival. My smoke tank will be full! I'll be at Agua Dulce for NYE, and can meet at APV or wherever...or do an airborne join.

Mike, maybe we can fly there together next year. In the meantime, if you want to meet for the occassional lunch to expand the envelope, I'm always game for new adventures!

Greg, let's roust the RTS gang...Steve and Mike may both be out of phase I.

Let's see if we can order so many omlettes they run out of eggs! :D

Thanks for the post Louise...sorry it took so long to reply!

Momentum building!

Thanks, Gary, for cross posting. I would have gotten around to posting on the SoCal list but I find myself a bit busy right now. I know that the River fly-in has been a long tradition for many in the So Cal and AZ group, but Paul and I like to enjoy the snow and mountains when we escape Texas! Plenty of RVers to go around for both groups.

Let's hope the weather cooperates. Sounds like we may have several of our future neighbors coming down from Reno area. Very cool!
LVK to L35

I will be working in the Livermore area that weekend. Weather permitting I'm there. I will pass the word to the small :rolleyes: contingent of RVers at LVK.
Bump to top to keep this party alive and growing!!

Crisp mountain air, beautiful snowy peaks, lake vistas, good friends on a NYD brunch!


1st annual

2nd annual

3rd annual
(Your Picture Here! :D)

Sounds like RV heaven to me! :D

C'Mon up!!

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So Bob, you've got the horsepower - you gonna go over to Jean and tow Greg's airplane up if he doesn't have a new jug by then?! "Super Six" should be able to handle two RV airframes at once....:)
Even without the last cylinder, we would still be "better than average" with a total of 9 cylinders between us!:D

So Bob, you've got the horsepower - you gonna go over to Jean and tow Greg's airplane up if he doesn't have a new jug by then?! "Super Six" should be able to handle two RV airframes at once....:)

Whatever it takes, I'm in!

I'll drag him home or drag him to Big Bear. Not sure about dragging him outta Big Bear though, so you wouldn't mind him tearing his engine apart in your hangar there...right? :D

I've also posted this on the Raven's FFI site, and hope to have a little formation fly in for brunch! Depends on wx and availability of course.

See ya then! (hopefully by then we'll be out from under all the snow that's dumping on us today!)

Even without the last cylinder, we would still be "better than average" with a total of 9 cylinders between us!:D


Yep, we'd still have about 425 HP...that'd do! It's that gaping hole where your rocker cover used to be that worries me. ;) Those other three cyliders would not be happy with you! :eek:

We'll figure something out!

We're almost to Big Bear!

Well, if weather cooperates, Paul Dye (Ironflight), his RV-8 (Valkyrie), and, hopefully, I will be on the L35 ramp at 11:15 am waiting to greet RV folks who fly up to join us for lunch on Saturday the 1st. So we can reserve enough seats, please let me know if you (and yours?) plan to join us. PM, posting, or e-mail. If you wait until the last 48 hours of so, probably best to respond to my Blackberry address: LHose -at symbol thingy- ag.tamu.edu.

I know some folks are headed to the River but we?re psyched to get into the snow! Should be in BBC before nightfall.

So far we have a 4-ship of Ravens briefing at 10am at Hesperia (L26) for some form work and a fly-by at Big Bear. We'll shoot for an 11:15 time on target for the fly-by. A 5th Raven will arrive ahead of us at Big Bear with his bride.

So that makes 7 so far (me and my Father-In-Law, Condor Sobek, Scooter Chastain, Hog Klages, and Eddy/Mrs. Tohikian). If it grows, we'll update, or individuals will post.

Look forward to it!! (and maybe we'll see you in Jean on the Greg Arehart RV-9A "Bumblebee" rescue mission).

Bob, one of these days you are gonna have to explain the "nasty" thing:rolleyes:

Requires copious amounts of Jerimiah Weed, Wild Turkey, or Jose Cuervo! ;)


PS: Currently in the SWA pilot lounge with Armin, and with a little arm twisting, I think we can get he and Sam to bring their 10 to Big Bear. How 'bout helping me turn the screws a little!! :D And Seb, are you comin'!?!
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We're in Big Bear

It's beautiful, of course. Several more inches of snow predicted for Wednesday but Saturday is looking good! :D
Up to 14 people confirmed

Please add 2- more to the table-
Brad and Bryon from FLG (if the Wx is clear):D

You're on the list and I gave the Barnstormer a heads-up today with a promise for precise numbers on Saturday morning.

We had a beautiful flight today with Rosie and Victoria into Lake Isabella. Wow, So Cal is a great place to fly! I saw country today that I haven't seen before in 24 years of living here!
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Can you PM me your list so we can compare notes? We may have 4-8 Raven aircraft for a formation fly-by, with perhaps 3 more Raven aircraft just coming up single-ship, and maybe a couple other (non formation) friends as well. I've just asked for a roll-call check-in on our Raven FFI list, and will get you some good numbers when I get them (most are probably already in your 14, but there could be some more).

Weather could cut that back significantly, but we might have quite a posse!

Scooter and I will probably have to fly down to Agua Dulce on Friday due to weather in NV/NORCAL, and Greg and Julia look to be out due to the cylinder. Waiting to hear from the others, and will update you soon!

Glad you had fun with Rosie...you were down near my old neck 'o the woods (Fallbrook).

Do some sunshine dances, OK! :D

Tail End Charlie Request for 2012

i would dearly LOVE to fly along with this crowd (from Texas or Oklahoma) for the one after this one - weather and etiquette permitting. airplane should be a 2011 (-9) model, ready and de-bugged by then. will watch discussions and try to find an available slot then. i am real good at helping decimate the omelette/egg population too.

as long range planning, i have a recurring dream of assembling an RV gaggle to Panama one day while the medical is still good. let me know if that's on your dream sheet too and maybe...enroute politics permitting...
It's snowing a lot!

Can you PM me your list so we can compare notes?

Done, Bob.

It is snowing moderately hard right now. Probably about 4" so far. But, they have plowing capacity to have it cleared quickly and Saturday weather looks grand (but a bit cool). I expect a gorgeous day for flying and formation watching.
Next Time!

Hi Paul and Louise,

I was planning to attend, but my wife and I must drive up to Ventura instead (family stuff!).

See you guys next time!

Have Fun and Have a Happy New Year!

Bill Palmer :)
One more...

Sunshine and I will be there, weather permitting. Capt. Lee sends her regards, but is recovering from shoulder surgery and will be unable to participate in the adventure. See you on Saturday!

John Clark ATP, CFI
FAA FAAST Team Member
EAA Flight Advisor
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
We're watching the plows making quick work of the snow on the ramp right now - sitting in the Barnstorm, drinking tea and enjoying the winter show. Hey, we have to go back to Houston in a few days, we're allowed to admire the snow! ;)

The satellite picture shows clearing over the Antelope Valley right now, so I am expecting a couple of nice sunny days to finish off the year and a gorgeous New Year's day for Big Bear. Looking forward to seeing all who make it up.

We're up to 30 folks

Best I can count, we have 30 folks "confirmed" for Saturday. I've checked with the Barnstormer and they say they can seat 49 plus the FBO will let us overflow into the lounge. The restaurant will have the entire section by the windows/ramp reserved for us (if weather looks good). So, the more, the merrier.

It is drop-dead gorgeous after the recent storm. We'll probably post a few photos later today (or tomorrow).

Fly safe!

Were up here north of San Francisco, and 2.5 Hrs NW of Big Bear, and will be totally socked in on New Years day . However the south end of the state looks pretty good.

Fuel cost just went down

Beautiful, but cold, day today. They just dropped the cost of 100LL to $4.37/gal. Pretty good for So Cal.

I'm headed out to find some toe warmers!
In SoCal and ready for brunch

After a X-C from Merced and Reno, a fly-by and a visit with John at Smoking Airplanes at Rosamond (with smoke oil fillup), and a rev and a wave to Rosie as we departed, Scooter and I are now parked at Agua Dulce, staged for tomorrow's brunch!

Scooter's sump heater is plugged in (two long extension cords!) our canopy covers are on, and we're settled in at my inlaws for NYE.

A few Ravens are flying in directly to BB, and a few of us are meeting at Hesperia and will do a fly-by at BB about 11 (+/-) before landing for brunch.

Hope everyone has a nice New Years Eve, and see y'all tomorrow!!

I was thinking I might tag along behind Brad and Bryon but it's -17 here in Flagstaff and my truck barely runs; no way I'm going to shovel out my hangar and then try to fly in this cold (though the weather is perfect otherwise). Instead, I'll send my best wishes to all for a Happy New Year and safe flying.
Weather precludes getting out of Reno this morning, so we'll stay home today and wish all a Happy New Year brunch.

greg & julia
Sunny and cold in Big Bear this morning. The temp at my cabin is currently 32 degrees. My RV9A is still under construction. I have hopes of being able to fly into to next years event. For this year, I will drive over and say hi. See you there!
Beautiful, CAVO, and 34F at 10 am

Paul is out flying, I'll go out next. Then, expect to see you folks headed in.

Fly safe!
60 and Clear


Its clear and a zillion but breezy back in Texas. You and Paul should have a good time with the gang today. I bet Mickey is sad sitting out at Polly Ranch all alone. :confused:

Its clear and a zillion but breezy back in Texas. You and Paul should have a good time with the gang today. I bet Mickey is sad sitting out at Polly Ranch all alone. :confused:

"Mikey" is babysitting "Junior" in the hangar....I'm gonna have to count the beers in the fridge when I get back....:rolleyes:

A beautiful crisp sunny winter day at Big Bear today. I think the final count was 20 RV's in attendance. An appearance by the Ravens made it extra special with some high formation flyby's against the even higher cirrus.




Some folks were taking videos of the flyby's which may appear on youtube later. And pictures of people, too :).

Thanks to Paul and Louise for organizing the event!

It was great to see everyone up at Big Bear on such a beautiful day! I rolled to a stop in front of our hangar at 1045 CDT last night (yep, chickened out over the potential for morning snow at BB today and flew back after lunch yesterday), and will post some pics when I get caught up.

Bob, you putting the "Fourth Sorta' Annual" event on your calendar?

Nice timing!

It was great to see everyone up at Big Bear on such a beautiful day! I rolled to a stop in front of our hangar at 1045 CDT last night (yep, chickened out over the potential for morning snow at BB today and flew back after lunch yesterday), and will post some pics when I get caught up.

Good call on the weather, after yesterday's smooth, clear air it is a little ugly here today. Thanks for the great gathering!


John Clark ATP, CFI
FAA FAAST Team Member
EAA Flight Advisor
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
Hey Scott, glad that you made it yourself! I had it pretty darn easy - sitting there at 13.5K with average tailwinds of 35 knots, not weather, just lots of stars. one fuel stop and I was home. Louise's flight got in to Hobby about 20 minutes after I landed at our back door. Then she had to get a cab home!

I was a bit worried about your route - assume that you made it in OK since you're posting.

As soon as I finish up an oil change and cleaning up the Val, I'll post a few pictures and thoughts on the trip home.
