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Well Known Member
Has anyone heard any reports of using the 3G iPad in the air with ForeFlight, does the 3G update the weather reliably and if so, at what altitudes?
Rereading my question indicated I could have written it more clear.
I was looking for information like below.

"I didn't plan to use the data plan with Foreflight, but found too many instances of not having access to wifi. Like especially at the airport. Last week I flew 1,000 miles to CA and back and interestingly, discovered that even at 12,500 ft, the 3G signal hit often enough that it typically updated weather every hr or so. Turned out to be especially helpful when returning to OR with rain around the route of flight as the radar feature was current. Obviously not always dependable this way, but at least it can work while airborne."
I am currently using both Foreflight and WingX in Colorado. To date I have had absolutely no problems with the GPS up to 15,500' but once flying I do not rely on any cellular updates e.g. weather regardless of my altitude. Simply too unreliable or predictable. The cellular networks just weren't designed with RV's or flying iPads in mind!
My 3G will occasionally update weather. It's pretty poor and not predictable. Generally I'd say below 1500 AGL or so and in the vicinity of a tower.

One thing I always do on a longer cross country is use ForeFlight to download my weather briefing. Enroute you can view the briefing, it's a bit old school, but still a standard briefing is often loaded with good stuff.

One ForeFlight feature that would be desirable is the ability to save old radar images.
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