
Well Known Member
This is awesome! Imagine, those with the resources (access to a CNC machine (Avery Tools, etc)) could reproduce parts (manufactured or custom) for their RV that would otherwise be hard to aquire! Engine parts, Structual parts, Misc. Could also be used with older experimental aircraft where the mfg is no longer in business and parts are hard to source.


Youtube link incase the above wont work:




Mods: Feel free to remove this if you want, just thought it could be applied to our industry!
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Wow!!! Only $3000 or so for the scanner, but I wonder how much that Dimension 3-D printer goes for... we could really use a setup like this.
THAT...was amazing.

Lets see....you could model an existing wheel pant and make a mold to shape aluminum around (metal wheel pants). Same for cowling? Radio racks? Molds for interior side panels?

Wow!!! Only $3000 or so for the scanner, but I wonder how much that Dimension 3-D printer goes for... we could really use a setup like this.

I've purchased 2, and worked with 3. I'm a big fan of the Dimension FDM systems. Designing things is so much better with near-instant gratification - I'm able to create visual models (in large scale, if necessary) as well as functional parts and test fixtures for next to no cost (generally, 4-5$ per cu.in of part or less).

Depending on features (resolution, size, couple of other key items), $18K-$40K.

For occasional use, though, don't bother, log into www.Firstcut.com.