Garmin vs Mac

The bad news is that you can't do a Garmin update on a mac platform but the good news is that with the dual core processor it is easy to set it up on the PC side of your mac and works easily.

Bill Near

i believe that is a done deal now. i put my mac in the copilot seat, belted it in, and flew to ct. not bad for a desktop model. maybe if i had a 110 converter i could go bluetooth and circle over a wifi and surf the net. :cool:
Turbo is right. The system software updater works great natively on the mac (Webupdater) but the aviation database updater is only Windows compatible. Run Windows in VMware or Parallels you should be able to run the updater and have access to the machine's USB ports and everything.

I hope Garmin gets their act together for native Mac support soon, as Mac sales continue to grow. I'm going to do my first database update soon, and find it absurd that I have to run Windows to do it.

I think you're right. Given the entropic tendency of all things, it's only a matter of time before computing efficiency degenerates and we fall back into a windoze stupor.

I think this mac thing is just a'll pass.....
