I was just paging through Vans website and the announcement has been taken down that the RV8 has been approved for a 390 engine. I looked through things and now it says that the 390 will not be sold to RV8 builders. I have one on order and am building an 8.
Does anyone know anything about this?
Vans whole website looks different than it did a couple of days ago.............

They may be reorganizing the site, and not everything is there yet..........
Greg reported in another thread that they were having DNS issues with the web provider and they are working on it.

Looks like they are still working on it, currently shows "Down for Maintenance"

Glad Vansairforce is still up so that I can get my daily fix.


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It’s back up now. And the 390 is still approved!


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Hah sorry. Our web hosting provider had a significant problem yesterday evening that resulted in a pretty messed up situation for us, including (gonna get nerdy here, sorry) changing our DNS records and web site content to a version that was a couple of years old. We were as surprised as you were. We were able to put it back the way it should've been, but it took some time. Sorry for the inconvenience and confusion.

And yes, slap that 390 on your new RV-8 and go rip some friggin' holes in the sky! :)
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