
Well Known Member
If you ever watched "My Name is Earl," you know that in an effort to right past wrongs, Earl has a list of names to cross off. Each time he finally crosses a name off his personal list, he get closer to fulfilling his goal.

While my goal may be easy for paid professional pilots to attain, not nearly so simple is it for the PP SEL subspecies to meet. Long before Earl came around, I set a rather uncomplicated flying goal and wonder if anyone else has done the same. My goal is to have logged PIC time every single day of the year, including the occasional February 29. Some open days, the weather has been so lousy I just thought to myself, "I'll defer to NEXT year." On other occasions prior appointments, family obligations, a grounded airplane, or other circumstances prevented me from logging PIC time on an earmarked day. A few times, the weather was so marginal I simply flew a single circuit around the airport just to be able check that day off my dwindling personal list. Currently, only six unflown days remain to be checked off and all dates are scattered over two months in late winter, early spring. If history is any guide, it is unlikely all six dates will be conveniently checked off in the upcoming time period.

From time to time I have shared this rather modest goal with other private pilots. It is usually met with a vacant stare. Not one has ever said the thought occurred to them. Since there is nothing new under the sun, I have to believe that surely, other pilots have set the same goal, have you?
Since there is nothing new under the sun, I have to believe that surely, other pilots have set the same goal, have you?

There's a local pilot here who, several years ago, flew on 420 consecutive days. (To be fair, one of his vehicles is an R22 helicopter -- so he could get airborne and hover-taxi around the field even on the most hideous days.) The other airplanes involved were a Citabria and a CJ-6.

The only reason he stopped that long flying streak is because the hangar door was frozen shut.
I already have two compulsive goals.

1) Every airport in my state

2) Most distant airport in each cardinal direction in the lower 48 USA states.

I have north and south for #2.

I Think I can add a third: Highest (Leadville) and lowest (Death Valley).

My top one is to circle the globe... it will be about 10 years from now...but very high on my list.

After that it would be to fly floats up on Alaska. I've flown as a passenger on floats in Alaska, and as a PIC on floats in Seattle...so I guess I am half way there ;-)

......... Since there is nothing new under the sun, I have to believe that surely, other pilots have set the same goal, have you?

....and don't want to either:D. It's because I fly 12-14 loads of chemical a day during the spraying season, putting in 8-10 tach hours and going home really sore from wrestling those huge ailerons all day.

Off season is a welcome break and flying is a lot more fun if you don't do it for work.
