Larry DeCamp

Well Known Member
A1A appears to be the most common 0360. A1AD is available but there are some negatives beyond the obvious mag/filter location issues. We will use FI and CPI EI. What do you engine experts advise for a core choice. Everything will be new, except case and accessory case.
I am far from an engine expert. But I will offer that Van's has been selling the A1A model for at least 16 years (since I bought one for my -4). In that time, people have worked out most of the issues regarding installing them into the tight space in a -4. I know nothing about the A1AD option, but if the mags and (oil?) filter are in more problematic locations, I would try to stay with the most common solution. I have FI and EI in mine, and everything fits, but just barely...

Good luck,
