
Legacy Member
Big brother feels it needs to expand the TFR's for the POTUS to 35 NM and this is really hurting flying activities. Link here.

But what really got me was this line:

EAA said:
Aviators have come to expect standard 30-nm radius TFRs to follow the president, along with the prohibition of many flight activities within the TFR, including parachute operations, ultralight vehicle flights, hang gliding, balloon operations, agriculture/crop dusting, animal population control flight operations, banner towing, model aircraft operations, model rocketry, flight training, practice instrument approaches, aerobatic flight, and glider operations.

Who knew that it is now illegal to fly model airplanes and launch model rockets. I can't wait to hear about some kid getting arrested for flying his little model airplane or shooting off the rocket he got for his birthday.

My question is this, how is the general public informed about these things. Heck even hang glider and ultra light pilots are trained like those of us with PPLS or SP are, so they may never check the notams to find out.

They keep the honest folks grounded. This is to make it easier for any terrorist to pick out the "important" targets! Of course the SS (interesting acronym) does not think that way. They operate on distrust, which clouds their judgment and their ability to think through all the problems that are inherent in any solution, like making the President one of the only targets in the sky.

"Every solution has its own set of problems."