Piper J3

Well Known Member
Looking to get add'l 12?s to join the Father?s Day breakfast fly-in at Beach City (2D7) in northern Ohio on Sunday June 17. This is the 34th annual Father's Day Fly-in Breakfast at Beach City Airport. I?ve been doing this for the better part of 25 years ? most often with my late father in our J-3, but the last two years I flew the 12. Beautiful setting with airport homes along a 3200? grass strip. Good food and good hospitality. Some years they get over a hundred planes.

See? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCUl_XzZKpg
My friend and fellow RV owner is the airport manager. He gave me my first GA aircraft ride a few years ago in his RV, so I totally blame him for wiping out my savings LOL.

I've been there twice by car - this will be my first time flying there with my son - even though the RV isn't done yet.

Looking forward to Sunday. We are departing KMRB Sunday morning.
Picture shows three of four 12?s at Beach City this morning for Father's Day fly-in. We got there late (9:30) and had to park out by the road. Probably 100 airplanes showed up. I wish I could have taken a picture of my iPad ForeFlight screen showing ~15 targets all converging with eight planes in the traffic pattern at the same time. Good time had by all?