
Well Known Member
I had to travel to Amarillo (KAMA) on Monday for a three day business trip. When I arrived at the airport this morning what to my wondering eyes should appear?

339A and two Harriers!! Well ain't that cool. :cool:


They had come in on Tuesday and these two couldn't make it to Memphis before dark.... that was their story anyway. I think they just wanted to hang out in Amarillo.


Like all pilots these guys had to do their own pre-flight! Notice their gear hanging from one of the pods.


Got a chance to talk to the two of them in the FBO. Nice guys, one of them only had 500 hrs of time and 250 of that was in the Harrier. They were both interested in the RV. Couldn't get-em to swap rides though. :rolleyes:


Always fun to see 339A surrounded by some military hardware!

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Couldn't make it before dark? That's a good one! I think you are right, they wanted an extra day of flying. I know when my son is flying for the Army, if he can stretch it a day, he will. Who wouldn't? haha

I saw a few Harriers at Hurlburt Field a couple years ago. Pretty cool thing to fly. Your plane looks pretty nice too! When are you going to come up to the mountains?
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That's really cool, indeed! Not the kind of thing you see everyday, for sure. Thanks for posting the pics!
Better to see them there on the ground than on either side of you in the air making hand signals to land immediately....:eek:


I think, upon meeting the guys in the FBO, the first words out of my mouth would have been, "Wanna race for pinks?" :D :D :D
If you want to get picky......

They are AV8's

The Harrier was what we had in Blighty, these were the development from and better than the Harrier.

Check out Art Nalls site for a proper SHAR :D
Looks like 2 radar jets from VMA-231 out of Cherry Point NC

That's what they told me. After Memphis it is was back to Cherry Point.

I wonder if they shimmy like the A's do?

I hope not! Maybe that's the trick use less air...


That's really cool, indeed! Not the kind of thing you see everyday, for sure. Thanks for posting the pics!

No problem Bruce, it's why we do it. :)

Better to see them there on the ground than on either side of you in the air making hand signals to land immediately....:eek:


Although, I found it quite interesting when the F-16s were popping flairs around me...

Too dark to fly, nah...

They just wanted a good steak at the Big Texan Steakhouse...:D


Well worth a trip for all non-vegan pilots....

I ate there Tuesday night. :D Had the 12oz Rib-eye it was very tasty. I saw the much touted 72oz steak, but just wasn't quite hungry enough.:rolleyes:

Actually to get pickier......
They are AV-8B Harrier II

The pilots referred to it as "The Harrier" as well so obviously the name has stayed with it. I bet the Harriers days are numbered though, with the F-35 Lightning coming out. Looks to be quite the airplane.
I bet the Harriers days are numbered though, with the F-35 Lightning coming out. Looks to be quite the airplane.

Days not as numbers as you may think. The US Marines just bought all the British "Harriers" along with all their spare parts. With F-35 over 5 years late the Marines are out of options but to keep their Harriers flying as long as they can. Harriers will be flying for the Marines until 2025.

To make this RV, I sure like the picture in the original post but hope you got no jet wash when they taxied past your RV. Could do some serious damage to a RV.
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To be pickier:

AV-8B II+, and we still call them Harriers or Jump Jets.

You are correct, Harriers will be around until at least 2025. The British Harrier parts are about 60% similar.

First F-35 squadron will stand up at MCAS Yuma in Sept/Oct. The first aircraft will arrive in Nov/Dec.

Yuma, AZ