
Well Known Member
So, 331RV is, after almost 8 months, within a few hours of being finished! We are done with the avionics (less than a week's worth of work!) and need another couple of hours to finish the wheel pants and reinstall the fuel tank.

We have the tail number reserved (not registered!). We aren't painted yet since we are holding off until after the fly off.

The question is, what is next? How long does the documentation kit take? What do we have to do to register, and can we do it without the documentation kit finished?

When can we expect to see this lady fly!?

The question is, what is next?


Erich it's pass midnight here on East Coast :) Let's get good sleep first... Just kidding - CONGRATULATIONS!!! Keep working, by morning you are done :D Documentation will be much fun.

Erich, congrats on getting the hard part almost done.

I just went through this process in the last few months, I got the package from EAA----$16 or so, and well worth it.

The instructions are very well written, and they include every form you will need, placards, and even the metal data plate for the tail.

Be sure to do everything the book says to do, be sure to figure out before you start EXACTLY how you are going to list the aircraft, and your name. Write it down on inside of the front cover if you need to, and refer to it------you must use the same format on every piece of paper....The booklet has a check off box for each item, it all worked smoothly for me.

I would suggest you get hold of Bob Brown, he is the EAA chapter prez at Independence, he can direct you to lots of folks who have recently done this.

I would also suggest getting hold of the DAR, or FSDO that you plan on using for the inspection, and start working with them now, find out what things they are particular about.

It really is a smooth process, the anticipation was 10 times as bad as the actual experience.

Best of luck to you.