
Well Known Member
Unpacked my new 300-72 Whirlwind Prop today! It is a beautifully made propeller indeed. 650 hour or 72 month overhaul, which is really tear down inspection for a whirlwind. Just wish I could post pics.

I may need a few bushings to mount it but really looking forward to having it on my almost ready rv9a.

How long?

Not trying to incite a battle on WW customer service -- I'd like to see them succeed. But how long did it take to receive it versus how long they said? I am interested in that prop and if I do go that direction I'd like to know how much lead time I'll need.


- Rick
Customer service

I've spoke to their Customer service several times before ordering and a few times while I was waiting. I will say that they nailed the delivery date. In my case I'm very pleased and will post a new thread once I have it mounted and flying. I'm waiting on a few parts but I will say this, WOW it's a beautiful prop. If it performs half as good as it look, I'm going to be in for a treat when comparing to my wood prop. Back to the customer service. When I ordered my prop my thought was this - I want to hear from both sides and not make my decision based just on the complaints on this forum. So I called them... I spoke to one of the stakeholders and told them that the perception is that they build nice props but don't keep their word on the delivery dates. They acknowledged some past issues and even said they are delivering longer than expected due to how hard it is to find qualified candidates to work in their shop. They also said they are working to resolve those issues and are constantly on the look out for more help.
As a business owner I can relate so told them that I respected their honesty, and the position they are in. I asked for a realistic timeframe and made my decision on that. They nailed it. They called me around 2 week away from the "approximate delivery date" and said we believe your prop should be shipped on XXXX date and wanted to get final shipping address and payment. It was shipped exactly on the date they said after that. When I opened the box, my only wish was, how do get this on my plane NOW?:D
I ordered my propeller last year at Oshkosh. I put a substantial down payment on it at that time. I knew that the propeller I ordered was an experimental new model. We discussed delivery time and they said it may be as early as the fall or winter. They did say that testing was still on your way and that it might be later than that. I know that I needed my propeller this spring, and was prepared to wait that long. My selection of paint held up the process for a month. I had sent vinyl swatches in and they had trouble matching. Considering that I purchased a propeller that was not in production I feel that it was not held up unreasonably. I had good communications with Whirlwind throughout. I think Nicole is probably tired of me calling or emailing. :)

I would love to post a picture or two of the prop but I do not have the patience to go through the hoops of posting pictures here.

I've spoke to their Customer service several times before ordering and a few times while I was waiting. I will say that they nailed the delivery date. In my case I'm very pleased and will post a new thread once I have it mounted and flying. I'm waiting on a few parts but I will say this, WOW it's a beautiful prop. If it performs half as good as it look, I'm going to be in for a treat when comparing to my wood prop. Back to the customer service. When I ordered my prop my thought was this - I want to hear from both sides and not make my decision based just on the complaints on this forum. So I called them... I spoke to one of the stakeholders and told them that the perception is that they build nice props but don't keep their word on the delivery dates. They acknowledged some past issues and even said they are delivering longer than expected due to how hard it is to find qualified candidates to work in their shop. They also said they are working to resolve those issues and are constantly on the look out for more help.
As a business owner I can relate so told them that I respected their honesty, and the position they are in. I asked for a realistic timeframe and made my decision on that. They nailed it. They called me around 2 week away from the "approximate delivery date" and said we believe your prop should be shipped on XXXX date and wanted to get final shipping address and payment. It was shipped exactly on the date they said after that. When I opened the box, my only wish was, how do get this on my plane NOW?:D

Looks to be a nice design. I think I know who did the engineering work (ex Hamilton). Wish they had more/better pictures on their site. If you like, feel free to PM or email me your picture(s) and I'll post them here for you.
We have the same problem at our prop shop for decades now. Really hard to find good techs these days, let alone for people to just show up everyday and do good work. CNC programmers/machinist are like hen's teeth. Where is the shop? I see a California and an Ohio shop(s)?
I've been in the prop business for 32 years but I doubt they could afford me... :):D;)
Here's a photo of Jack's new prop. I offered to post it for him.

Sure is a pretty thing, isn't it?


300 Series Top Speed

I've been flying with the 300 series since Christmas, around 25 hrs now, just last night I had some time to do a low altitude (300 ft msl) speed run and compare to how the WW 200RV did on top speed. So all the levers forward, all the way.

I could never eek more that 178 knots out of the 200 and I was expecting to see a little decrease from the extra additional wetted area of another blade but I was pleasantly surprised with 181-182 knots in level flight, so a honest 3-4 knots faster with the 300 series.

Tallying up the advantages... 5 lbs lighter, faster climb, quieter, faster cruise...

Bill Judge
N84WJ, 1413 hrs, RV-8
Teardown Cost

Whirlwind lists the teardown time as 650 hours. Can someone speak to what this involves, the cost and how that played into your decision vs a Hartzell?
The 650 hour tbo on this prop is a bit misleading in that it is normally only an inspection. Cost according to Jeremy at whirlwind is about $500 to $600. This compares with several thousand for the other guys. Don?t worry about that and just fly. I love my 300-72 prop.

Prop Inspection

I'm assuming both the California location and the Ohio location can do the inspection since Ohio specializes in constant speed but California is making the 300-72. Should reduce freight costs but it is pretty light and I would not imagine costing that much.
I'm assuming both the California location and the Ohio location can do the inspection since Ohio specializes in constant speed but California is making the 300-72. Should reduce freight costs but it is pretty light and I would not imagine costing that much.

I would think the majority of the shipping charges would be based on the bulk of the package and not necessarily the weight. They?re too big to be shipped by anything other than freight (trucking) companies. I?ll keep ya?ll posted in 5-1/2 years when I send mine in!