
Well Known Member
Yesterday I tried to fit the wings but they didn't fit properly.
The left wing went better than the right wing but I need to lift the spars for about 1/16' at the bulkhead cap position to insert the pin. The problem is that the spars touches the bulkhead Cap. The pin at the end of the spar can be installed.
Anyone needed to trim the bulkhead caps?

Any further ideas before contacting Van's?


Wing Attachment

I just got back from the hangar after installing the wings...had one helper.
It was a real chore. Wiggling, pushing, even a few choice words didn't help. We finally broke out a BIG ratchet belt and looped that around the fuselage and through the hand hole...that and some whacking with a rubber hammer on the pins finally got the thing on.

I noticed that when having difficulty that the opposite pin probably would go in, even if the near pin was still just 'off' enough to create a problem. Getting the opposite pin in place helped 'pull' the wing in.

How Van's people could remove/reinstall the wings in just a few minutes is beyond me. I had to laugh out loud about a warning system that the pins were not in'd have to use a mallet to get them loose.

How you could ever consider removing/reinstalling wings in order to trailer this airplane is again beyond me...unless something loosens up a LOT, a LOT, it would not be realistic to even remotely consider removal/reinstallation each time you wanted to fly.

My wings are on, and short of a crash, will never come off.
Have you read this thread?
Another builder had the black plastic rollers mounted backwards. That made the spar too high. That does not seem to be the problem in your case because you are able to insert the wings fully. I measured the distance on the spar between the top of the hole and the top of the spar at 3.5". And the distance between the top of pin (inserted into the fuselage bushings) and the bulkhead Cap is 3 9/16". It looks like my wings will fit but I have not tried to install them yet.
Ya, I read that post. My rollers are o.k.
The wings slide in almost completely. It is just 1/16' off. On both sides the bulkhead cap touches the topside of the spar preventing the holes to align.

I had to trim a bit off my bulkhead cap, I even had to turn one roller down a bit due to a fat spar that did not get properly finished at the factory, but both wings slide in quite nicely now and the pins also slide in with just a bit of a push. If you are jacking your wings into position and installing the pins with a rubber hammer:eek:, something is way wrong.
Investigate further.....
pmshep 120007
Yesterday I tried to fit the wings but they didn't fit properly.
The left wing went better than the right wing but I need to lift the spars for about 1/16' at the bulkhead cap position to insert the pin. The problem is that the spars touches the bulkhead Cap. The pin at the end of the spar can be installed.
Anyone needed to trim the bulkhead caps?

I relieved my bulkhead caps a bit. I know of at least one other plane that did the same.

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Tony thanks for the picture. I had already searched your gallery but was not able to find a picture about the bulkhead caps.

Did you trim the caps when they were attached to the plane or did you drill out some rivets?

The other plane that I saw over a year ago with the bulkhead cap interference was one of the original builders and he trimmed them after installation with a Dremel. I was not at this point yet so I trimmed the caps before installing them. I thought Van's was made aware of the issue.
There is also an issue with that hole you see in the picture in the bulkhead not being present. The hole is for the wire to the spar pin magnetic switch. I had to drill the hole after the fact, as did others.