
Well Known Member
I was contacted by an AP friend last night Who knows a guy parting out his Mooney M20F. A little over 1000 hours on the engine "O360 A1A" since overall and has the three bladed prop STC. The owner wants to sell the engine and prop combo to me for my 7. My thought is if the spinner fits the standard vans cowling this should work. Anyone out there with a similar set up care to weigh in

If it is the MTV-12-B/183-59B then it is the correct prop. If not we have a number over here that are low time and in great condition. They are time expired but 6-800 hours and very inexpensive as compared to new. There is really no need to experiment when it comes to props. You will eventually some across something known to work.

Be aware the MT's are more prone to damage than aluminium props... plenty of threads here on the pros and cons.
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If it is the 12-B, then it might be the correct one for an RV-10 (IO-540) but I don't think it would be correct for an RV-7.

If it is a metal Hartzell 3 blade, then you would be the one weighing in... with a nose heavy airplane that would require some ballasting to compensate for an excessively fwd C.G.

I think the spinner would also be a bit big but that could possibly be dealt with depending on how much.
The standard RV spinner diam. is 13"
RVbuilder it is the three bladed Hartzell. I kind of thought it would be nose heavy. The engine is a standard A1A though and would probably be a good mid time buy at 12K.
I'm in the same boat

I've been dealing with the same issue except my 12 hrs SMOH Lycoming came with a bent 3 blade McCaully, I discarded the idea right away because that propeller weighs 73 pounds and would need new blades and OH !
Richard from down under , I just sent you an email
I had a 1966 E model Mooney with that combination. I found it to be less than ideal. The -A1A does not have a counterbalanced crankshaft and it "shook" with that prop. Yes even after a dynamic balance.

The best prop for that engine is the two bladed variety if you want the stock combination that Mooneys came with.

I have a -7A and I think the 180 O360 or IO 360 with a 2 blade CS prop Is the best. You will not regret it

I also have seen that that combo seems to resell better.

Good luck with your plane

Thanks for the replies. Being that the two bladed is best what about durability. I plan on flying IFR and have experience with how rain will tear up the leading edge of a prop in short order. Would the Whirl Wind composites be a good durable prop for IFR and grass ops or should I stick with the Hartzell that Vans sells? I do like the look of the Whirl Wind but the sales literature says a 5 year or 650hr tear down as opposed to the Hartzell 2400HR and 6 year tear down.
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CS Metal Blades converted to composite



Dear RVers

I have a further alternative for your prop choice.
We probably are the only company doing direct replacement of stock metal CS propellers.
We use OEM hubs and we install composite blades.
Up to now over 350 positive conversions have been made .Some of these are in US too.Just a new set reached Ameritech in CA,if you're in the area go and see it direct.Perfect combination for all RV series
if you wish to learn more contact me directly
[email protected]

Best regards.
Alex Tonini