question I have in mind of monatre on my RV7 a 3-blade MT propeller. do you know how it works with RV7?
I installed a new IO-360M1B and MT 3 blade from Vans on my -7, with the new 59B blades. I am VERY pleased with this combination after 100 hours. Takeoff and climb performance is outstanding, and I am dead even with my hanger partners 180/CS Hartzel RV8 in climb and cruise.The MT was incredibly smooth BEFORE I had it balanced. Weight and balance numbers came in right where I had hoped. A little pricier than the Hartzel, but prop includes a beautiful painted & installed spinner assembly. Literally bolt the prop on and you're done. Have flown in rain, soft fields and frozen lakes with no blade erosion whatsoever. Also using the MT governor supplied with Vans FWF kit, dead on at 2700 rpm/no adjustment was required. 12 week lead time on delivery from Germany and the prop is shipped to a local dealer for assembly and delivery.
Very happy with mine

In my case I can out climb but have lower top speed than other RV7 aircraft I have flown with. This is in line with much of what I read on this forum as well.
We are taking a knot possibly two at low alt so the difference is rather small. I also just like the look of a 3 blade :D

If anything, the three items I would suggest you consider are:
1) I feel the 3 blade composite reduces vibration a bit over metal 2 blade
2) The light weight of the prop and modern starters shifts the CG weight back enough where you will hit aft CG limits before gross weight unless dealt with during the build.
3) It will be harder to remove the cowl for service
MT Prop

I am currently building an RV7A with the angle valve IO-360. I am considering a Sam James Cowl and Ram Air kit. Does anyone know if the MT 3 blade prop would require an extended hub for this configuration?

Thanks much
Just tell MT your engine, induction type and cowling and they will send you the correct spinner and extended hub.
That?s what they did for my combination:
Lyc-IO360-M1B, horizontal, Sam James long cowl.
You can contact Eric Greindl. [email protected]
You might give McFarlane Aviation a call. They are the new master distributor of MT props in the U.S. I had the good fortune to speak with Dave McFarlane himself at length regarding the MT prop. Mr. McFarlane flies an MT on his personal aircraft as well. His knowledge and personal experience gave me loads of reasons to go with MT, so I did. The reasons extend to go MT go far beyond flight performance.

My guess is that we'll see him advertising on this site one of these days.

With our James cowl you will use MT's P-469-3 extended hub. Not sure on the prop model because they do not list specifically the I/O360 Angle Valve engine so it will be either the MTV-12-B/183-50B or the MTV-9-B/183-50a. As a previous poster mentioned Eric Greindl at MT will be sure you get the right prop. [email protected] Please let him know James Aircraft sent you his way.

For the cowl and induction, we have about a six month backlog so please order it early so you don't have your build held up later on. Don't forget the plenum, the three work great as a set. We are making a new design and mold for the angle valve plenum right now.
Extended Hub

Good Morning All,
Thank you for the prompt replies. The reason I ask is that I am hoping to not have to put an extender hub on as I have read they increase the stress on the crank during aerobatics. Is there anyway to get an MT prop and a Sam James shorty Cowl + induction without the extended hub?

If not are there other constant speed aerobatic propellers that would fit the IO-360 Angle Valve with a shorty cowl and not require an extender hub?

Thanks again,
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With forward facing induction you will need the long cowl. Both MT and Hartzell's extended hubs are one piece, they do not use a spacer.
Thanks Mike.

In other words if I go with an IO-360-A1B6 with Vertical induction and a constant speed MT prop, I should not require the extended hub. Without the extended hub I could fit the Sam James shorty cowl? Lastly is the Sam James forced induction (Ram Air) also an option for this configuration?

As previously stated im trying to avoid the use of an extended hub due to its performance limitations for acro. I also understand that the I should be going over 3.8G in acro but I would be more comfertable with a little more buffer room for error.

Thanks all for your continued feedback.
If you go with updraft induction then you could use the short cowl. The MK I induction is what you would need.

You may want to check with MT first. They have propellers on a lot of aerobatic aircraft and would be a better resource to address the extended hub instead of guessing.