
Well Known Member
Wondering? Would a 3blade prop have any adverse effect on CHT's vs a 2 blade?
I have a new ECI Titan X0-360 with a Catto 3 blade on my 8A and am experiencing high CHT's. I have spent a lot of time on the baffling, it is not the problem. Oil temps are good. ECI tells me 400*F is not too high, I am used to 350*, 400* makes me a little uncomfortable.
3blade & CHT's

We went from two blade Hartzel to 3 blade (Hartzel or MT) in two aircraft. There was never any significant change in cylinder head temperatures. I would look elsewhere for the problem. Do you have a big spread in CHT's?
I chased CHTs and also thought I had the baffles as good as possible. I retarded timing, filed between valve fins, silicone etc till I was tired of it. Although slight improvements were made, occasional excursions above 400 were still happening...

The one area of baffling that was really hard to visualize during the build was at the very front of the cowl where the air inlets are. You can't see (or feel) what happens in here..

I finally took the cowl off the plane and re-assembled it on the bench. I could then see that improvements could be made so re did this area, from cowl half to cowl half. I added some 040 backing to support the rubber. This effort reduced the temperature more than the rest of the efforts combined.

I suggest pulling the cowl and re assembling it to see what's happening up front...
