
Active Member
Does anyone have a source or good idea on how I can control airflow through a 3/4 inch scat tube? I want to provide cooling air to the back side of my IPad while flying, so as to prevent it from over-heating. On a RV-8, panel space is limited. The idea is to tap into the normal fresh air vent scat tubing (2" dia.) with a 3/4" scat tube. Then, I'll run the 3/4" scat down to just below the bottom edge of the instrument panel on the far right side and direct the air to the back side of the IPad. But how to control the airflow? Most eyeball vents use 1 3/4 to 2 inch scat tubing. An in-line, plastic ball check valve, would require two handed operation under the panel or some sort of bracket system to hold it. A 3/4" eye ball vent would be ideal. Any ideas?