steve murray

Well Known Member
For those using the Dynon Skyview systems with the integrated VHF Com interface to the EFIS, because is has active 2nd channel monitoring and automated tuning, do you find the need for 2nd Com radio?

Starting the high level layout for RV10 panel and I am questioning the need for a 2nd com radio for day to day usage? I very rarely use my 2nd com in my RV8 for transmitting but do use it quite often to tune in\monitor ATIS\CTAF.

Your opi

I have 2 radios and prefer it that way, but am surrounded by fellow RVers that fly with only one VHF. They?re fine with it, even more so for those with units that monitor the 2nd freq (like Skyview?s VHF). it?s really up to you.
We have a full three-screen Skyview in one of our planes, with Dual Dynon Comms, and a PDA 360 Audio Panel, and I like having the second Comm because it gives us the ability to use the 3D audio capability of the panel. We have it set up so that the audio from Comm 1 appears to be coming from ahead and to the left of you, and from Comm 2 from ahead and to the right. It is very easy to listen to ATIS and CTAF (or Tower, Approach, Etc...) at the same time. The brain is an amazing thing.

If we only had the one Comm and used the monitoring capability to pick up ATIS, it wouldn't give tat same 3D effect.

Of course, it is also great to be able to switch quickly between Comms when in formation as well, and it also gives us a redundant Comm radio (although since this is a VFR airplane, that's less of a concern).

I know its a luxury, and a First World kind of thing to have two Comms - but all our airplanes are set up that way, so we use the same protocols all the time.
I haven't really needed to use a second COMM for my VFR flying. If and when I need to listen to ATIS, and stay on ATC, I use the Dual Watch RX feature on the Dynon COMM. Works fine. Sounds a bit choppy, but that is just the way it works. If you need to transmit on two frequencies, then it won't be the solution.
Though the Dynon comm allows for listening to ATIS (dual receive), the audio is very choppy, by design. Our field's ATIS takes a good minute to read through all the information, which makes it less than desirable.

That said, it does work and is what I use. I also carry a hand-held with headset adapter, for backup.
Thie is, of course, a personal preference. When I had one VHF com, I got along fine with it.
Soon after I added a second, I wondered why I hadn't done it much sooner.
2nd COM

Hello All

Anyone using a second COM without an Audio Panel??

If so, what did you do? Used a switch to go from 1 to 2 and if so can you listen to both at the same time?

I would love to have a second COM ( Mostly as a Back Up while IFR ) but simply don't have the room for an Audio Panel in my -4.

Presently have an SL-30 and thinking about a Becker or similar 2 1/4 size radio as # 2


Hello All
Anyone using a second COM without an Audio Panel??
If so, what did you do? Used a switch to go from 1 to 2 and if so can you listen to both at the same time?
I would love to have a second COM ( Mostly as a Back Up while IFR ) but simply don't have the room for an Audio Panel in my -4.
Presently have an SL-30 and thinking about a Becker or similar 2 1/4 size radio as # 2

Had lots of airplanes with 2 coms. Only had one with an audio panel.
Just need a switch to switch PTT and mic audio.
Before eliminating the audio panel thought, I recommend researching the idea that when using a switch to select # 1 or #2 radio the intercom may not work when switching to the other radio.

I had one radio in the 6 and now two in the 7. One was fine two is more convenient. IMO.
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Before eliminating the audio panel thought, I recommend researching the idea that when using a switch to select # 1 or #2 radio the intercom may not work when switching to the other radio.
I had one radio in the 6 and now two in the 7. One was fine two is more convenient. IMO.

Wired properly the intercom will work fine with both radios. I've done it on a lot of airplanes.
I?d have a 2nd com if I could fit it somewhere.

Yeah the modern ?dual-watch? feature available on most com radios works fine and it?s what I have in my space-deprived experimental, but my experience in 30 years of professional flying is that a dedicated ATC com, and an ?everything else? com, is a very useful setup.