Louise Hose

Well Known Member
A couple of us "bear assault" veterans decided that another fly-in campout was warranted at the Alpine County on October 24th and 25th. So, we've got the trip on the calendar. Just like last year, no organization beyond this announcement and those who want just show up self-sufficient. The camping is completely primitive, so bring all your own water, food, toilet paper, and, most importantly, bear canister(s) or appropriate system to suspend food high between trees. Please, under no circumstances, plan to keep food in your plane, tent, or ice chest! Like last year, I'll bring a shovel and dig a trench for a toilet, so you don't need to bring your own shovel.

Details on the airport and last year's trip are available at:

Hope to see some of you folks come out!
Bumping this up to mke sure it gets noticed....

Alpine is a neat place to get together -assuming we don't have El Nino-induced snow before then, hope to see a few folks there!

Looking forward to round 2 with Yogi

Hope the weather holds, the scenic beauty between Bishop and Alpine last year was stunning and the group wonderful.

Any interest in trying for breakfast at Bridgeport again vs at camp? Wonder if the restaurant would take a group reservation for that Sun morning?.

Hope the weather holds, the scenic beauty between Bishop and Alpine last year was stunning and the group wonderful.

Any interest in trying for breakfast at Bridgeport again vs at camp? Wonder if the restaurant would take a group reservation for that Sun morning?.


Look forward to seeing you again! Unfortunately, the restaurant at Bridgeport closed up - the owners wanted to retire and couldn't find a buyer. The good news is that Minden's airport restaurant is just down the hill, and we can always head that way.

What Bear canister didn't work so I know what one not to get.


A couple of us "bear assault" veterans decided that another fly-in campout so bring all your own water, food, toilet paper, and, most importantly, bear canister(s) or appropriate system to suspend food high between trees. Please, under no circumstances, plan to keep food in your plane, tent, or ice chest! Like last year
What Bear canister didn't work so I know what one not to get.


I'll try to get along too. I notice that the High Sierra Fly-in has moved to a new site near Pyramid Lake on a dry lake bed that same weekend. I may have a look in there too - hopefully no incidents this year.
I'll be there as well; probably with one of my kids. Looking forward to seeing everybody again!
We're using Garcia brand now

When I researched it about a year ago, the USFS and NPS recommended/sold two types: the one of our epic failure and one made by Garcia. We now use the latter one, which looks very similar to the one posted by Jason. The Garcia canister is available at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Backpackers-C...HPuyEAL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160,160_, REI: http://www.rei.com/product/624081/garcia-bear-resistant-container, and, I'm sure, elsewhere (like some park Visitor Centers).

Louise, correct me if I'm wrong, but this seems to be the bear canister to get:


Count us in

We should be done with phase 1 by then. Will show up for the day, possibly spend the night. I fly over that airport daily lately...

Louise -

I went to high school with Richard Garcia - of Garcia bear box fame.

I am afraid to say he has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and is no longer able to be in his machine shop. I believe his son has taken over the production of the "cans" however.


David Howe
Hi Louise, I'm not set up with any kind of camping gear. What about maybe staying at a hotel at that KMEV Minden/tahoe airport, and just flying into M-45 each day? You guys know anything about that place? By the time I bought a bear cannister, and all the camping gear that I'd only use once, its just cheaper to stay in a hotel.

Sure is pretty country out there.:) I envy you guys.
Hi Louise, I'm not set up with any kind of camping gear. What about maybe staying at a hotel at that KMEV Minden/tahoe airport, and just flying into M-45 each day? You guys know anything about that place? By the time I bought a bear cannister, and all the camping gear that I'd only use once, its just cheaper to stay in a hotel.

Sure is pretty country out there.:) I envy you guys.

Sorry. I don't know about a hotel near KMEV, but I see no problem with flying in just for the day. There's a good chance that we'll fly down to KMEV for breakfast on Sunday morning.

Another option is renting the camping/bear equipment from a place like REI. There's an REI store in Reno.
I'm going to try to join you guys

I think I can make it -- a few stars have to align but odds are good I'll be there.
Should I PM someone to make sure I'm in the head count?
I think I can make it -- a few stars have to align but odds are good I'll be there.
Should I PM someone to make sure I'm in the head count?

I think seeign youhere gives us what we need for head-count....and hope the stars align so you can make it!

I took a recon flight up to Alpine today, just to make sure the various fire operations from this season left it in usable condition. All is well - the runway is in good shape, and it appears that the county has mowed down some grass so you can find the tail tie-downs off the edge of the pavement. They might even have sprung for some pavement striping - and the runway numbers look pretty new!

The camping area looked unchanged from last year, and I saw no large "Beware of bear" signs - so either they've relocated Yogi, or Yogi relocated the signs....

I know of at least one other couple (besides Steve Barnes) that are planning on driving up and camping (our Tundra partners, currently without an airplane), so we should have some ground mobility if it is needed this year. We're hoping for nice weather - then we want it to start snowing like crazy as soon as every gets safely home.


Hi Louise and Paul,

I'm asking the boss (wife) for the Weekend off and watching the weather across the two states...(am I seeing a forecast for temps dropping to 33 at our camp? Burr.)

If all a go...will have an extra seat for a local...six AM Saturday ETD, weather permitting.

Now REI to buy a bear proof can...
Hump day!

Less than three days and the weather looks good! Similar to last year. Bit cold at night and wonderful daytime temps. The pasta feed on Saturday evening is still on, as far as I know, so you might let Steve and Pamela ( http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=130620&highlight=Alpine+county) know if you'll be joining in. We're just bringing "emergency rations" and snacks (and liquids). Sunday breakfast for those who wish will be at the Minden airport restaurant.

I'll pop on down Saturday. ETA and whether I camp TBD as a sojourn to Schatt's Bakkery in Bishop must be worked in. Ergo, I'll bring my own vittles, but will happily lick the Barnes' pots for left overs. BTW, if you've never done Schatt's, you'll be overwhelmed; best bakery on the face of the Earth.
Use Dial-a-Ride for ground transport (bikes are available) BIH to town and return. Highly recommended as an adventurous alternative to a Minden cafe.

John Siebold
Lost my slot

Looks like I'll be sitting in a control room instead of camp.
Have a great trip! Hope to make it next year :)
I was really hoping to make it again this year, but unfortunately I'm going to have to cancel. Hope everyone has a great time and I'm looking forward to the trip reports.
It looks like my son and I will be able to come up for the day. We will be shooting to get there around 10am and will probably bail out back to San Diego by 3pm.
Photos from our day trip to Alpine County

It would have been fun to spend the night, but my son had to be back on Sunday morning. Yeah, that's my excuse. :D And I got to sleep at home last night. Maybe next year I'll dust off the backpacking tent and sleeping bag.

Anyway, we had a good father/son trip with a nice hike down to the river and we got to experience some cooler temps than it has been lately in San Diego. We stopped at Bishop on the way back and did a quick bike ride into town to visit Schat's bakery.

Photos are here.

It was nice meeting and talking with everyone!
Sounds like a great day all around for the two of you. We're glad you could join us. I, too, headed home before dark to sleep for 12 hours in an attempt to fend off a cold that Paul gave me. Sounds like the folks who stayed overnight had a very pleasant evening (and breakfast).
I've saved a few of my pics on google drive

Thanks Paul and Louise for leading the way on this and hope the cold is on the way out.

Great to meet everyone that made it and put some faces to the names.

Same again next year?
Thanks for the pictures - and to everyone that dropped in! SPecial thanks to Steve and Pam who provided a great Saturday night Italian dinner, and to Yogi - who stayed away. A nice thin cloud cover overnight kept the heat in, and I don't think it got much colder than the mid-40's. I only wish we'd got a definitive word on if fires were allowed or not - we had two different interpretations from folks on the scene, and opted to be conservative and not light one. I miss a good campfire - and so do my toes.

Events like this are really easy to plan, so long as you don't let yourself make it too complicated. We'll undoubtedly do this again because all it takes is a post here on VAF telling folks when and where we're going, and inviting anyone else to join in and bring along whatever they need. Group sharing is a bonus that is always fun!

Until the next event!

Thanks for a nice last minute RV gathering

We really enjoyed meeting everyone. My wife got to feel the density altitude on climb out. Pretty big difference from the climb out at sea level on a cool morning, with 20mph headwind a few days ago. Love the small eastern Sierra strips.
Louise and I stopped in with the dogs in our Tundra a little over a month ago and took a hike. All seemed pretty normal at the campsite, although the road down towards the river is in pretty bad shape. The trail beyond the end of the road was normal.