Well Known Member
Sat we had our 2nd annual RV, motorcycle and family and friends fly-in. Last year we had 13 planes and 9 wee RV's. 2 notable pilots were Turbo and Vlad!. All had a great time. this year was not so good. zero RV's showed up. We had 8 RV pilots say they were coming. But we had winds 13 gusting to 24 and an 1800 foot grass strip that is not for the inexperienced RV pilot. We did have 70+ people show up. Two were CF!! and they drove in. 1-C170 who made 2 attempts to land before he succeeded. 1- C150 who made it on is second attempt DOWN wind with 13mph tail wind. Then, and this was the high lite of the day, we have a Champ circle the field one time and landed, 1st time, again with the tail wind, perfectly in the center of the 60' wide grass strip, no bounce, as a matter of fact you never notice by the way he landed that there was anything wrong with the winds!! Now for the best part! He taxied to the parking area and got out of the Champ, he was Hunter, a 16 year old pilot!!! (no other people were in the Champ).
The winds went down to 7-8 mph around 3pm. Oh well, we had lots of good food and about 12 pilots drove to our gala, so the stories and fibbing were a plenty! LOL
See you all next year. Oh by the way hunter has 2 airplanes, his other is my old 1959 C172. He soloed both on his 16th birthday! He is an amazing young man!
Days/dates confusion

I confused the days Fred. 2nd annual vs Aug 2nd and here we are sitting in Maine couple RVs ready to go your way. Oh well next year we will be more attentive :)