Hi Neil.

Follow this link to download the schematic for my RV-9A. After installing the schematic software and opening the schematic, check out pages 'GPS' and 'RADIO' for the wiring details.

In order to open the schematic, you'll need to download and install ExpressPCB per the instructions on the page.


By the way, even though I've connected the GPSMap 296 to the GTX327, the transponder does not recognize any GPS information. I'm hoping that Garmin will update the 296 software at some point to allow this.

If they do this, then I can get auto-standby from the 327 when groundspeed is zero, plus lat/lon display.

Thanks Vern. I thought I read on the Garmin site that the 296 GS should get the 327 to go from SDBY to ALT and back, but I could have been thinking of something else.
Unless my information is out of date, I don't think the GTX 327 or GTX 330 understand the NMEA 0183 serial format, so I don't think there's much use in connecting the serial output of a Garmin handheld to either of these transponders. (The 396 and 496 can take serial traffic data from a GTX 330, but that's a different wire).

Matt, I think you are right, I don't know where I got the idea.. wishful thinking probably. Now I'm wondering how useful it is to be connected to the SL40...
Definitely connect it to the SL-40. The autotune of frequencies is a very handy feature. It saves fumbling with flight guides and charts.

Another useful function is that You can set up a primary and two standby frequencies: primary and secondary on the SL-40 and one on the GPS. Pushing a button on the GPS then sends it to the SL-40.

I've found this useful in formation: one tactical frequency, another for local air-to-air traffic and the third (set) for the destination airport.

Also, sometimes we fly in formation between airports that are about 7 miles apart. It's nice to have quick frequency changes!

Here's a summary of the Instructions to download the schematic for my RV-9A electrical system design:

1. First, download ExpressPCB which installs two programs: ExpressSCH and ExpressPCB. ExpressSCH is the one you want to use.

2. Download my electrical system schematic

3. To open the schematic, double-click the file, or if you have Microsoft Schedule on your computer, you will need to open ExpressSCH first, then open the file from within the program.

4. There's also a library of components available, however the schematic contains most of them already that can be copied and pasted. You'll need to install the symbols in the right place on your computer (read the ExpressPCB documentation).

A stupid question....


I've the Garmin 296 Map and the SL-40, and to have the 296 auto tune freq's into the standby window would be REALLY nice!

I've downloaded the above mentioned schematic (what a pro-looking diagram!) but can't find that connector on my 296??

On the back of my 296, there's the powerwire which is going into the "sigarette outlet" for charging, the antenna connector, the 5-pin connector which is for updating the software... and that's it....

Where's the 9-pin connector mentioned in the diagram...??

Am I blind, stupid or possibly both??
Gamin Harness

You need to buy the Garmin accessory harness. It plugs in just like the 12v power wire but has the othewire you need to download to the SL-40.

If you want to gamble it might be the same harness as your 12v power wire if you cut the adapter plug off.

Maybe someone else has done this already and knows for sure.

If you want to gamble it might be the same harness as your 12v power wire if you cut the adapter plug off.

I don't know this first-hand, but I was told by a usually reliable Garmin guy that if you cut the cigar lighter end off, you won't find anything but the power wires.....might not be a good gamble! we bought the accessory cable when we wired up Louise's plane last year.

On the back of my 296, there's the powerwire which is going into the "sigarette outlet" for charging, the antenna connector, the 5-pin connector which is for updating the software... and that's it....

Where's the 9-pin connector mentioned in the diagram...??

The power/data connector on the back of the 296 is the 9-pin connector. :)

The cable you want is this one: https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?pID=1083

This forum is great!

Thanks for all the good advices guys!
I'll contact Garmin and order the cable.

I didn't have a clue that the SL-40 and the 296 could talk together, since my 296 didn't have a cable to connect to other avionics, but now I'm starting to look forward to that nice "dial-in standby freq feature. :)

I'm learning something new EVERY day since I started this building process... great!

And this forum really is great too!
I don't know this first-hand, but I was told by a usually reliable Garmin guy that if you cut the cigar lighter end off, you won't find anything but the power wires.....might not be a good gamble! we bought the accessory cable when we wired up Louise's plane last year.


I can confirm that it does not have the extra wires in there! I cut mine trying to gain access to the speaker outputs to prevent purchasing the cord with the speaker in there.

The only wires in the standard power cord are the power wires!