
Well Known Member
I am putting in the Center Fire wall section. This piece goes entirely on the front side of the firewall. Correct? The reason that I ask is that it appears that the little tab at the top is bent the worn direction. If I read the plans correctly then this tab should be offset forward so that is sits flush to the top firewall section.

Instead mine is offset aft, so it does not allow the part to lie flush.

I post a picture, but it would be hard to see in a picture.
This piece goes entirely on the front side of the firewall. Correct?

Not correct

The piece goes almost entirely on the front side. All except for the tab which goes aft of the top firewall piece.

Review page 28-06 Figure 1. Be sure and check the gnomon on the drawing for the correct viewing orientation.

The little tab goes aft, behind the top firewall section.

Hope this helps.
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It is nice that the next section of the plans is where you can figure it out. It does make sense. I just had to scrap a little sealant off the firewall.

Next Question:

Where does the curved tab of the center firewall end up. Aft or forward of the curved tabs of the sides.

BTW--now that you encouraged me to really look at the plans. the drawings are not correct in Section 28. In some pictures the center firewall is on the aft side of the main firewall, while in others it is on the forward side.
On 28-06 and 28-05 it is pictured on the aft side.

On 28-07 it is on the correct side:

Are you talking about F-01401C? If so, both of those pictures show it on the forward side of the firewall with the exception of the tab.
Ken , I might see your problem. For the longest while looking at the diagrams you posted I was looking at your top picture and looking at it is if I was inside looking out. It's not , it's a shot from off to one side looking up at it. Go back and picture you are on the floor on the pilot side looking up at the firewall and bottom of the fuselage.
I could be wrong in your viewing , just a thought.
Wow. I do see it now. I was wrong. weird optical illusion. I even looked at the arrows indicating the direction and got it wrong.

Any thoughts on the curved tabs?
the curved portion for the center firewall overlaps with the curves for the sides. Maybe once they in their final place they will not overlap. So maybe I should not worry about it.