Tom Martin

Well Known Member
This month marks a milestone for me. It was 24 years ago, this month, that I purchased a RV4 kit, sept 1993. There was no VAF, very little internet action; I was not even aware of the EAA. I had a Citabria at the time and wanted something faster. A friend suggested a RV4 and I had the very good fortune of going for a ride in Rick West's award winning 4. He and Gord Baxter, RV6, another excellent RV builder provided my support network. I knew nothing, but I had built many projects on the farm and was well equipped with a shop and misc tools.
I stared at the project for two months and then got to work. Seventeen months later it first flew. I thought that I would own that plane forever but I was now addicted to speed and had heard about the Harmon Rocket. I built two of those and then along came the F1 Rocket. I completed 4 of the standard wing F1s and then built a F1 with the EVO wing for myself. I love that plane and still fly it. For five or six years I was quite active in the Sport Aircraft Racing league and the plane did really well. Constant changes to the cooling system, airframe cleanup and prop changes added over 30 knots to my top speed. The aircraft is remarkably efficient and my wife and I typically do a few cross country flights. We have been to the east and west coast, and most of the midwestern and eastern USA.
Along the way a RV7 and a RV10 were also completed in my shop.
I took a couple of years off and have just finished a RV14. The final inspection was last week and I am waiting for the flight permit. The "kits" have improved remarkably over the years but it does not seem to have shortened the built time. When I started there were no autopilots, basic simple panels and gps was just being thought of. Every year the aircraft get more complex with more and more systems. These systems add time and weight to the aircraft. Although the equipment is truly amazing it does add to built time. I am looking forward to flying the RV14, I have about 30 hours in the 10 and I loved the lift and I expect this plane to climb similar to the 10. It should be a lot of fun solo with half fuel.
It is hard to believe that 24 years and 12 aircraft have passed and I have met the most wonderful people in the aviation world. People ask me if I am going to build another one and I just purchased a high end cabinet saw as I would like to get back to my first love, woodworking. I have this big pile of Ash in the barn and I am thinking an all wood motorcycle or car would be a neat project. I might even throw in some aluminum bits here and there!
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Had the good fortune of meeting Tom at OSH this year after he parked he was kind enough to stop by my RV6 to give some pointers on improvements.
It should be noted that Tom has cost a lot of people a lot of money by giving them their first ride in an RV. Including me. There are at least a half dozen RVs on our local field due to his RVangilism.
I have this big pile of Ash in the barn and I am thinking an all wood motorcycle or car would be a neat project. I might even throw in some aluminum bits here and there!

Sounds like you are a great candidate for a Morgan restoration. :)

Congrats on the 24 year milestone.
It has been a pleasure to know Tom for over 15 years. He is one of the true gentlemen of our sport. Congratulations buddy!
Thanks to all for the nice comments. Sanding and final primer on gear legs and wheel pants this morning. I was told that my flight permit should be here in a day or two. The delay has allowed me to get all the gear stuff done. Typically I fly the first few hours off and on rainy days work on the gear farings but this time all that will be done.
It should be noted that Tom has cost a lot of people a lot of money by giving them their first ride in an RV. Including me. There are at least a half dozen RVs on our local field due to his RVangilism.

Ya, what Greg said.
Toms influence not only got me into building, but also a post retirement career in aviation. My RV7 is gone now, but what remains is a very special friendship with an extraordinary person. What ever he decides to build( and I have seen some peculiar things come out of his shop) i?ll Be in it with you Tom.
I'll bet you have a thousand great stories to tell! Wow, that's quite a set of accomplishments in the homebuilding world. Thanks for sharing your "resume." Do you ever wish you had all those planes lined up for a group photo?