
Well Known Member
Today was the big day! A quick chat with Alex D this morning and finish up a few little details and it was TIME!

214NY slipped the surly bonds of earth at 12:00 for a flawless first flight.

A special thanks to Rhonda @ Barrett Precision for a spectacular running engine, to Aerotronics for a perfect panel, to John Nys for helping finish it up, to Alex D for the transition training, and of course to Van for designing such an AMAZING MACHINE...and to my darling wife Carrie for the infinite support!

Here are a couple pics...notice the full Nomex flight suit and gloves :)



Congratulations! Looks like you had a lot of fun! Enjoy phase 1!

ps - I assume you have TT a/p in there somewhere...
Thanks everyone!

One of the most amazing feelings ever!

There might be just one trutrak product in there...or maybe several!

Jim, I did get a 50nm radius, so I can come over and visit. We need to plan that for when I get back from copperstate!
Wright Off

I know you're feeling good now, congrats :). Now every flight can be business related, right......:rolleyes:
Stupid Question....

I've seen a lot of pictures on this site of unpainted planes but I've never seen what looks to be primer on the outer skins along the rivit lines. Is this in fact primer? Plausible explanation I'm sure and at the risk of looking like a total neophyte, curious minds would like to know.

Andrew....congratulations on your first flight. What an accomplishment and I'll try not to be too envious. Great accomplishment and you need to thank your wife again.....always good to have support on the home front.

Is your doo-rag also nomex? :D
I knew there was a good reason I was saving my old flight suits. I just hope I still fit in them when the time comes!
Very cool!! Is this your first build or third? Kind of hard to tell by your sig line. Either way, very cool! :)
Yep, it actually is primer...that's one for the prime or not prime discussion! The tanks were that way when I purchased the kit (it was started by a gentleman in Montana)

The doo rag is 100% cotton...finding a Nomex one was too difficult once I realized I was actually flying soon!

First build...but have the 10, 12 and did have a 9A at TTFS. The 4 is MY first airplane. The great part is that owning all the others gives me lots of RV experience!

I wish I had more time on it so I could fly it to copperstate...but...sadly we only have about 5 hours on it. So I guess it's the 10 instead. I hope to see some of you there!
Very nice Andrew. Way to go. On the off chance you happen by VBT one weekend give me a call, I'd love to come over and take a peek. We met at the TT hangar just before Oshkosh at the EAA meeting, but I didn't know you were this close to flying. Outstanding.