
Active Member
When installing the bottom skin f1276 step 3 says break the edges long both sides of bottom skin f1276. I'm not sure what that means?

Can someone please assist. Thanks in advance.

Edge breaking is when you put a slight bend along the edge of a sheet lapping another sheet. Various tools are available. One is a pair of vicegrips with a pair of contoured rollers which you run along the sheet. The other style is like a hockey puck with a pair of rollers. I've used both, and I prefer the vice grip version.
The purpose of breaking the edge is to make the lap joint a little neater and tighter.
Hope this helps:eek:
And the secret is

Don't clamp the jaws too tight. If you do, you'll likely run off the edge and booger up the break. (You know how I know this.) You want just a little resistance and the break should be just discernible.
The tail cone mentions breaking edges as well as section 5 which describes it. I've found myself breaking edges (ever so slightly) in many places. Makes for a nice tight fit that doesn't feather up when riveted. I use the roller puck. Practice on some scrap (anyone who made it to section 21 has scrap right???) and it will seem natural.
Construction manual Chapter 5, Section 5.10 located HERE

Often times when a new builders (hopefully) reads through it at the beginning of their build, a lot of the information doesn't make a lot of sense.
It is worthwhile looking back through it occasionally, to pick up on information that wasn't absorbed the first time.
The easy way to do this is to lay the skin on your work table so it overlaps the table edge about 1/2" and rub a wood block back and forth to establish the bend being careful not to crease the skin. I've tried this method and I've used seamers, but the wood block seems to yield a more controllable and uniform result.
It is better to not break the edge at all than to bend it too much. So break it a little at a time.
Joe Gores
Edge, dont remove blue until doing edge

Edge, dont remove blue until doing edge to protect the metal surface also do before dimpling.