
Legacy Member

2024 Oshkosh RV Social

Monday July 22nd


Starts When The Airshow Gets Boring (Let's call it 4 o'clock)

Ends When The Kegs Run Dry

Yes, it's on! The old sot staggered up from the basement and declared herself ready to party, assuming she could find some clean underwear...

Same place as last year, same time...Monday evening, first official show day, in the backyard of the second house just outside the Waukau Ave EAA gate. We'll open the taps at 4 o'clock, same as last year.

The Beer Fairy drank all her own money, so this doesn't happen without the support of vendors who love you. Be sure to throw a little love their way.

Aircraft Specialty Flightlines
Tom Swearengen - the hose and plumbing man

Barrett Precision Engines
Rhonda Barrett - famously good motors

CQ Headsets
Scott Card - headsets that work

Delta Pop Aviation
Don Pansier - the best antennas

Flyboy/Team Rocket
Blake and Vince Frazier - all kinds of cool stuff

JD Air
Darwin Barrie - best tailwheel ever

Kitplanes Magazine
Marc Cook - don't care where you read it, just read it!

Chris Gayman - brand new, any way you like

Bill Judge - compact, lightweight electrical power

Stein and the Gang - avionics of every flavor

For more than a decade, Gallagher Aerospace has been our location host. The Gallagher Gang will be in the big tent all week with refreshments and shade, plus they're hosting their own event on Wednesday evening. You're invited then too, so stop by and say thanks. It is the best place in the world to get answers to airplane insurance questions.

2022, early, not crowded yet:

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Watch out for these outlaws. Stuff gets deep fast....


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Counting the days!

Sponsor list is up, first post. Next time you spend a dollar on your build, remember the folks who make it fun....or wet, or something like that.

The Usual Serious Message: Be responsible. Keep an eye on your buddy. Walk or elect a designated driver. Make sure all your people get home safe. This works because we watch out for each other.

Slap on a name tag when you arrive; the goal is to put faces with names. You'll find them on the picnic table. Social rules are the same as VAF rules; keep it civil, and keep it RV. We'll have plenty of water and soft drinks for the no-hops folks. If you want food, grab something on the way, or try the place next door. Don't toss your cup; keep it for refills! When a tap runs dry, find me and I'll hang another keg; can't connect them all at one time. No parking on site, unless you bring your miniature Harley. No door prize interruption this year. RSVP's are not necessary. And please, as always, everyone try to convince Jenny to dance on the picnic table.

Waste not, want not: https://www.vansairforce.net/threads/education-and-recreation.218931/

See you there!

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All the new guys and everyone that gets too much foam in their beer, please review this post to minimize all that foam / head on your glass of beer.
Quick reminder...our location sponsor, Gallagher Aerospace, will hold their own event on Wednesday evening, same tent, same spot, 1366 West Waukau. Best to RSVP, but I don't think it strictly necessary. Jenny and the gang are always happy to see Gallagher customers...or really, anyone who insures an airplane. Good people. I've been with them 14 years.

Monday: RV Social, no RSVP necessary.
Wednesday: Arthur J. Gallagher & Co, RSVP if you can.

Look, it's Mike and Laura!

Mike and Laura.jpg
Quick reminder...our location sponsor, Gallagher Aerospace, will hold their own event on Wednesday evening, same tent, same spot, 1366 West Waukau. Best to RSVP, but I don't think it strictly necessary. Jenny and the gang are always happy to see Gallagher customers...or really, anyone who insures an airplane. Good people. I've been with them 14 years.

Monday: RV Social, no RSVP necessary.
Wednesday: Arthur J. Gallagher & Co, RSVP if you can.

Look, it's Mike and Laura!

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With some weirdo looking over their right shoulder!