
Legacy Member

2021 Oshkosh RV Social

Monday July 26th


Starts When The Airshow Ends

Ends When The Kegs Run Dry (or about 10PM)

Last week the Beer Fairy emerged from her basement quarantine to ask if the world has returned to normal. "Yeah, sorta" was good enough for her, so it's official...there will be a 2021 Oshkosh RV Social!

Mark your calendars. The date is Monday, July 26th, after the airshow, in the back yard at 1366 West Waukau Ave. It's really easy to find. Go to the OSH control tower, then walk west on Waukau, out the gate to the second house, and look for the crowd in the back yard.

Our location host is again Arthur J. Gallagher & Co, aka Gallagher Aerospace. The Gallagher Gang will be in the big tent all week with refreshments and shade, plus they're hosting their own event on Wednesday evening. You're invited then too, so stop by and say thanks. It is the best place in the world to get answers to airplane insurance questions.

The Fairy drank all her own money years ago, so your favorite sponsors have again picked up the tab. They appreciate your business, so show 'em some love. The lineup includes:

Barrett Precision Engines (Rhonda, Monty, and Allen)
CQ Headsets (Scott and Tanya)
Delta Pop Aviation (Don)
Flightlines (Tom)
Flyboy/Team Rocket (Blake and Vince)
JD Air (Darwin)
Kitplanes Magazine (Marc)
Lycoming/Thunderbolt (Jeff)
SteinAir (Stein and the Gang)
TruTrak (Andrew)

The old lady ordered eleven kegs, mostly Spotted Cow, same as 2019. For some reason Lakefront Fixed Gear isn't available this year (Ms. M drank it all?), so we'll try a few kegs of another Lakefront amber called Riverwest Stein. (You like that? Fixed Gear and Stein?)

Serious message. Let's be responsible. Keep an eye on your buddy. Walk or elect a designated driver. Make sure all your people get home safe.

Slap on a name tag when you arrive; the goal is to put faces with names. Social rules are the same as VAF rules; keep it civil, and keep it RV. We'll again have plenty of water and soft drinks for the no-hops folks. If you want food, grab something on the way, or try the place next door. Don't toss your cup; keep it for refills! When a tap runs dry, find me and I'll hang another keg; can't connect them all at one time. No parking on site, unless you bring your miniature Harley. No door prize interruption this year. RSVP's are not necessary. And please, everyone try to convince Jenny to dance on the picnic table.

'Nuff said. See you there!

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We sure are glad you were able to entice the ol' gal out of the basement!
Another sign the world has returned to its regularly-scheduled (an)normalcy. Wouldn't miss it!
Spectacular formation shot (with credit to Shawna Redden...go girl!):


A formation is based on trust. No matter how any one pilot may feel about flying, for the duration of the effort every pilot accepts the need to act in the best interest of the group.

Where am I going with this? We're planning to put more than 500 members of this community in close formation...in a back yard, arguably an activity with a risk factor higher than formation flight. According to figures currently posted by Johns Hopkins, the current US Covid 19 death rate is about 177 per 100,000 population, or 1.77 per 1000. That's not a lot less than 1 in 500, in particular when you consider how the age of the average RV owner skews the figures.

The good news? Vaccination is improving the rates every day, and we have more than two months before OSH.

So, please, make an effort. Get vaccinated. If not for yourself, do it for the others in your flight.

...and the virus rears its ugly head again...

I wonder how many mask police will attend, and how many “lively discussions” will occur...

Sad, really, but odds are it’s going to happen...
Spectacular formation shot (with credit to Shawna Redden...go girl!):


A formation is based on trust. No matter how any one pilot may feel about flying, for the duration of the effort every pilot accepts the need to act in the best interest of the group.

Where am I going with this? We're planning to put more than 500 members of this community in close formation...in a back yard, arguably an activity with a risk factor higher than formation flight. According to figures currently posted by Johns Hopkins, the current US Covid 19 death rate is about 177 per 100,000 population, or 1.77 per 1000. That's not a lot less than 1 in 500, in particular when you consider how the age of the average RV owner skews the figures.

The good news? Vaccination is improving the rates every day, and we have more than two months before OSH.

So, please, make an effort. Get vaccinated. If not for yourself, do it for the others in your flight.

...and the virus rears its ugly head again...

I wonder how many mask police will attend, and how many “lively discussions” will occur...

Sad, really, but odds are it’s going to happen...

I have flown many of the Oshkosh RV formations (I see my airplane in that photo) and was part of the 15% that said they were not going to be at Oshkosh AirVenture 2021 because of the "lively discussions" that will occur...

I have had both of the required vaccine shots so I am NOT worried about me.

There is a possibility that I may change my mind at the last minute and show up for a day or two.
...and the virus rears its ugly head again...
I wonder how many mask police will attend, and how many “lively discussions” will occur...
Sad, really, but odds are it’s going to happen...

Bob, do you have some specific objection to a host encouraging vaccination for the good of the community, given very, very few will be wearing a mask at this event?
Bob, do you have some specific objection to a host encouraging vaccination for the good of the community, given very, very few will be wearing a mask at this event?

Apparently not. Look, here's the message again, in case it zoomed by the first time.

There is some risk, and you should know a fair bit of thought went into the decision to hold the event. The deciding factor, for me anyway, was that it's a gathering of pilots, people who operate based on physics and physiology, who exercise discipline, and who routinely accept responsibility for the lives of others.

There won't be any mask police, and no one will ask for your vaccination card. Like formation flight, the goal is to conduct something others consider daring, and do it with relative safety, because all the participants put away whatever personal beliefs they harbor, and act in the best interest of the group. Vaccination is an easy way, but in the end it's up to you. Call it medical self-certification if you like. Just make d*** sure you're good to go.

This thing is real. I attended a funeral last Thursday for a close friend that died from Covid. Lost two other friends to it also. My germaphobe son (the ESPN kid), caught after covering the Masters where they were tested daily. His wife got it too.

Interestingly at Sun N' Fun there was little mask wearing. More so in the exhibit halls but otherwise not so much.

Like Dan, I encourage everyone to get vaccinated. My son had gotten his first dose and the doctors said it probably lessened the severity.

With all that said, I do wish we had a larger space for the gathering. We gain dozens more every year. I'm guessing we will have more people venturing into the driveway and front yard area. Also, there will be no concert this year so those that attend that will be spending more time at the social.

Anyone know if the Sunday night deal is being organized?
Good news from the CDC today. "Fully vaccinated Americans can participate in indoor and outdoor activities, large or small, without wearing a mask or physical distancing." Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Director of CDC. Oshkosh, here we come!
Woo hoo! Four weeks and counting.

As always, the Social is rain or shine, so pray for shine, but pack your umbrella!
Spectacular formation shot (with credit to Shawna Redden...go girl!):

So, please, make an effort. Get vaccinated. If not for yourself, do it for the others in your flight.

What our buddy, Dan said. Please.
Sounds Like Fun

Looking forward to the event. Didn't make it in past years but will this year.
Now less than two weeks!

I'm really looking forward to seeing all my friends again. And I suspect this is going to be one heck of a turnout.

Please get a name tag when you arrive. They will be on the picnic table, as usual.

Please re-use your cup. They are 16 oz plastic, don't wear out, and we already buy 1000 of them for 500 guests. Save the whales!

When any tap runs dry, find me. The kegs don't change themselves.

There will be cold water and soft drinks to accompany eleven kegs of the Midwest's finest. However, no food, so grab a snack on the way. If you forget, the Sacred Heart brat stand is just across the street and down the road a block.

Fun starts when the airshow ends, rain or shine.

And please thank your faithful sponsors...

Gallagher Insurance (Jenny and crew, best agents ever)

Barrett Precision Engines (Rhonda)

CQ Headsets (Scott and Tanya)

Delta Pop Aviation (Don)

Flightlines (Tom)

Flyboy/Team Rocket (Blake and Vince)

JD Air (Darwin)

Kitplanes Magazine (Marc)

Lycoming/Thunderbolt (Jeff)

SteinAir (Stein and the Gang)

TruTrak (Andrew)

...most of whom will be walking around the party, having a good time. After all, everyone likes to feel appreciated.
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Can’t wait to show up and finally meet some folks. Gonna be our first Oshkosh! Are kiddos welcome for a couple hours earlier in the evening?
Can’t wait to show up and finally meet some folks. Gonna be our first Oshkosh! Are kiddos welcome for a couple hours earlier in the evening?

There are a few kids. There is or at least was, a swingset in the backyard that my daughter used a few times over the years.
Are kiddos welcome for a couple hours earlier in the evening?

Sure, usually more than a few kids there. It's a backyard social, not a bacchanal.

Well, on second thought, there was that group from the Netherlands a few years ago...
You're not counting the attempts to get Jenny or Stein's gang to dance on the tables?
Trying to keep up the family-friendly facade. :D It ain't no SOS Bros beer tent. That's in our favor for family-friendly, right? :p
My kids have been through a couple of Oktoberfest beer tents throughout the years so I’m sure they’ll be fine. I just wanted to make sure y’all were okay with them attending.
My kids have been through a couple of Oktoberfest beer tents throughout the years so I’m sure they’ll be fine. I just wanted to make sure y’all were okay with them attending.

Definitely okay Zack. The Social venue actually has a playground area in the corner complete with swing, slide, sandbox, elevated fort/house, etc. The kids love it.


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HBC, lots of first timers this year. Excellent!

Tonight, Monday. Party starts when the airshow ends.

Go to the OSH control tower. Proceed west on Waukau Ave, straight out the EAA gate. White tent in the backyard, second house on the right.

When a tap runs dry, find me. The kegs don't swap themselves.

See you there!
Sorry guys I this will be my first missed event. end me a picture hoisting brews !!

Weather permitted some great aerial tours here in the NorthWest and my son and I are making the best of it. 3 years in the waiting.

Up to about 20 hrs since last Thursday.

PHOTOS - Don't forget!!
Ok, who has photos?

Big crowd; more than 500 name tags used (and a lot of folks are already tagged when they arrive). Guests arrived a bit earlier this year, as there was no concert. Also no Hartzell Hops and Props party (the other big Monday evening event), so guests who typically have to make an appearance there were able to stay. So, we set another new record, running the barrels dry at 8:20.

Photo early in the evening. I think Cookie got some shots too. I saw her up in the the jungle gym with a camera.


Highlight of my evening was finally meeting Steve Smith. Of course then there was some sort of craziness, I ran off, and we didn't get to
to talk. Sheesh.


Thank your sponsors! Beer bill this year was $2047.10, plus 100 lbs of ice, six cases of water, 10 cartons of soft drinks, and 600 name tags. Worth every dime!

Gallagher Aerospace
Barrett Precision Engines
CQ Headsets
Delta Pop Aviation
Flyboy/Team Rocket
JD Air
Kitplanes Magazine

Last, did you the know Peter, the Luftwaffe A400M's aircraft commander, is an RV-8 builder, and currently flying off his required test series in Germany? Just one of the many interesting things you can learn while drinking beer ;)

Peter said the crew planned and flew the trip, but he kept the OSH landing for himself:
Ok, who has photos?

Big crowd; more than 500 name tags used (and a lot of folks are already tagged when they arrive). Guests arrived a bit earlier this year, as there was no concert. Also no Hartzell Hops and Props party (the other big Monday evening event), so guests who typically have to make an appearance there were able to stay. So, we set another new record, running the barrels dry at 8:20.

Photo early in the evening. I think Cookie got some shots too. I saw her up in the the jungle gym with a camera.


Highlight of my evening was finally meeting Steve Smith. Of course then there was some sort of craziness, I ran off, and we didn't get to
to talk. Sheesh.


Thank your sponsors! Beer bill this year was $2047.10, plus 100 lbs of ice, six cases of water, 10 cartons of soft drinks, and 600 name tags. Worth every dime!

Gallagher Aerospace
Barrett Precision Engines
CQ Headsets
Delta Pop Aviation
Flyboy/Team Rocket
JD Air
Kitplanes Magazine

Last, did you the know Peter, the Luftwaffe A400M's aircraft commander, is an RV-8 builder, and currently flying off his required test series in Germany? Just one of the many interesting things you can learn while drinking beer ;)

Peter said the crew planned and flew the trip, but he kept the OSH landing for himself:

Sorry Dan, Steve had already shared all his secrets huddled in a tent of 8 while we waited out the rain in the last row of the last airplanes (mine!) the day before.

Peter is a gentleman, ambassador, and ... I bet a super fun stable platform to fly off of.
Highlight of my evening was finally meeting Steve Smith. Of course then there was some sort of craziness, I ran off, and we didn't get to
to talk. Sheesh.

I'm humbled. Dan the feeling is totally mutual. So much we could have chatted about. Next time.

I also got to meet Scott and Tanya Card, Bill Repucci, and reconnect with old acquaintances Tim Redden, Bruce Patton, Dayton Murdock (not all at the social).

AND I got to meet Rian Johnson and Greg Hughes from Van's and talk about the progress on the RV-15. I'm glad they announced it so even if the whole cat isn't out of the bag yet, you can see the tips of its ears sticking out. Folks, this is going to be a fantastic airplane! Unlike the old adage about the horse-design committee ending up with a camel, the process has been richly collaborative and the inputs from many sources have been considered and incorporated. It has been exciting and humbling to participate a little.
Hey Dan!

Is the Beer Fairy considering a 2022 Oshkosh RV Social?

Inquiring minds want to know! :)

Hey Dan!

Is the Beer Fairy considering a 2022 Oshkosh RV Social?

Inquiring minds want to know! :)


I received an email Wens asking for an RSVP for the 2022 event:
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. CT

I read somewhere (maybe the RSVP link? Or another post on VAF somewhere? Can’t remember…) that they are doing it early this year because the Vans 50th anniversary presentation is the same evening.
I received an email Wens asking for an RSVP for the 2022 event
I read somewhere (maybe the RSVP link? Or another post on VAF somewhere? Can’t remember…) that they are doing it early this year because the Vans 50th anniversary presentation is the same evening.

Nope. Wrong.

The Social is Monday evening, same place as the last nine (see the first post in this thread), and there sure as heck ain't no fancy personalized email invitations.

There is a Theatre in the Woods program Monday evening, like 7 or 7:30. Taps will be flowing at 4:00 so those who wish to attend can attain a celebratory frame of mind.

Traveling right now. More later.
The Wednesday event with the fancy email and RSVP is a separate, not VAF-related, beer shindig put on by Gallagher for their customers. Same place, put on by the same people, but different (if not highly similar) targeted crowd.