Will you attend the 2021 OSH RV Social, if offered?

  • I will attend the 2021 RV Social

    Votes: 178 90.4%
  • I have attended in the past, but I will not do so this year.

    Votes: 19 9.6%

  • Total voters


Legacy Member
As always, things are subject to change. However, at this time the EAA is planning for Airventure 2021. They have posted a special page at https://www.eaa.org/covid, and you should go there for updates and changes related to health issues.

Which brings us to the question of a 2021 RV Social. Assuming our friends at Gallagher Insurance attend, the Social will be in the usual back yard on Waukau Ave. Please note nothing is final at this time.

Yes, there is some risk. The location has plenty of room to spread out, although folks tend to clump within easy reach of the taps. We'll need to be conscious of social distancing, and use more of the driveway and yard space. The national vaccine program is expected to make considerable progress by July, which should help. Beyond that, we all have a corporate and/or personal decision to make.

For now, I'll like to poll the community, simply to get a handle on potential attendance. I know how many folks typically attend. Not all will respond here, but the relative percentages should be illustrative.

Quick reminder...per VAF rules, this is not the forum for discussion of EAA decisions or politics, so let's keep those aspects in check, please.
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+1 for tradition..

I think more people than expected will be vaccinated by then. If OSH is on, then so should all the OSH traditions..
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2nd shot planned for March 2nd, plan on attending if the event is on.
I volunteer to man the pumps to make sure everyone stays 6 feet away :D
Well of course

I hope to parked across from Figs so he can give me **** about my nose gear! :D
Yes, plan to be there but as usual the weather has a lot to do with when we arrive. Will do my best to be there!

Fred and Judie are in. We will park next to Fig and outnumber him. The last thing we need is a Brit, Slash/Fig in charge. We won’t get any beer.
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Heck ya!!

Looking forward to being one of the sponsors again and seeing everyone!! Just over 5 months away. Can't wait.
Beer! Camaraderie!

Wife and I will walk over from homebuilt camping!!!!!!!
I have been on the fence about going. Not crazy about the changes that I will see there because of the COVID restrictions.

UWO emailed out their revised Cancelation policy on Thursday 18 February 2021 saying they will refund 100% or move reservations to 2022.

I have not cancelled my reservations but I plan to cancel 2021 and move them to 2022.

Have fun without me. Hope to see everyone in 2022.
Im in, although solo. And YES TS Flightlines/AS Flightlines would like to sponsor the gathering as we have the past several years.

For us Newbies, what is date, time, and location of the RV social? :confused:
Sorry, haven’t been to Airventure since 1986. :rolleyes:
I attended both times I’ve been to Oshkosh (2013 and 2016). Much as I’d like to go this year, I don’t think I’m going to make it up again until my airplane is done, so maybe Oshkosh 2023?
As always, things are subject to change. However, at this time the EAA is planning for Airventure 2021. They have posted a special page at https://www.eaa.org/covid, and you should go there for updates and changes related to health issues.

Which brings us to the question of a 2021 RV Social. Assuming our friends at Gallagher Insurance attend, the Social will be in the usual back yard on Waukau Ave. Please note nothing is final at this time.

Yes, there is some risk. The location has plenty of room to spread out, although folks tend to clump within easy reach of the taps. We'll need to be conscious of social distancing, and use more of the driveway and yard space. The national vaccine program is expected to make considerable progress by July, which should help. Beyond that, we all have a corporate and/or personal decision to make.

For now, I'll like to poll the community, simply to get a handle on potential attendance. I know how many folks typically attend. Not all will respond here, but the relative percentages should be illustrative.

Quick reminder...per VAF rules, this is not the forum for discussion of EAA decisions or politics, so let's keep those aspects in check, please.

The country should be way past herd immunity by then. I plan on being there !!
YUP! Call CMW if there are any majority sponsor needs as previously indicated.

Scoot & Cookie are still IN.
Too Young

We're in the youngish group not eligible for the vaccine till group 5. No telling when that will be. We had planned on OSH and Sun N Fun to make purchases for our upcoming build.
Well, we would like to attend, but too many unresolved issues to commit at this time.

Hopefully all will be sorted out by the time we need to make a decision.

Checked the yes box.......
I will do my darnedest to make it to OSh this year... My first year. And yes, assuming I make it, I will be there for the social.

I get my second shot in two weeks.
Wayne is kinda childish, but I don’t know if he’d be a good play date. :D

The plan this year (pending RV-10, where I've been slack) is me, my son, my friend Steve, and his son.

My home airport will be closed in June (supposedly) for a runway rebuild, which may interfere with fly-off time and the ability to even leave for Osh, given that construction projects usually run long.
The plan this year (pending RV-10, where I've been slack) is me, my son, my friend Steve, and his son.

My home airport will be closed in June (supposedly) for a runway rebuild, which may interfere with fly-off time and the ability to even leave for Osh, given that construction projects usually run long.

That’s awesome! Hope you make it. We’re gonna be in Sleepy Hollow this year in a rented Trailer.
what beer

Vaccinations just started here so maybe we will be allowed to travel by then?
Anyway what beer is on tap? I don't mean to dis anyone but there's a really good CANADIAN beer that was called O'Keefe's Extra Old Stock, over 6%, I have fond memories (or not!) from my youth in the 80's.