
Well Known Member
So its that time, with Black Friday upon us.
I am sure everyone has a list or that one thing in mind.
My first on the list is a B&C alternator for my 10.
What have you?
An Engine

I wish Santa would cover the balance remaining for my engine......
I’m wishing for some nice weather in December! After getting my first flight done and only a couple additional flights because of bad weather, it’s real torture not being able to fly!
Win the Powerball so I have the cash to build/buy an RV with a nice heated hangar to keep it in. Oh and it'll also have an area for tools and support equipment and a small "lounge" off to the other side where one could enjoy adult beverages, music and/or airplane videos with fellow aviators. :D
My Dad always got a Christmas present "from me to me. That way I always get what I want!" I'm going to gift myself a new Grmin GTR 200B to replace my dead sl40.
I guess you know you have been flying a long time when you have to buy your third parachute.