
Well Known Member
2019 New Year Resolutions

Exercise more
Lose weight
Install ADSB
Fly more this year.

Resolutions are made to be broken. Right?
I predict,,,,, This time next year I?ll be asking what you did to comply with this new ADSB rule? I?ll still need to exercise more, and lose weight.

I only flew 113 hours in 2018. I?m wondering why I have 3 airplanes.
2019 New Year Resolutions

Exercise more
Lose weight
Install ADSB
Fly more this year.

Resolutions are made to be broken. Right?
I predict,,,,, This time next year I?ll be asking what you did to comply with this new ADSB rule? I?ll still need to exercise more, and lose weight.

I only flew 113 hours in 2018. I?m wondering why I have 3 airplanes.

What he said.....about the exercise and weight and ADS-B. ;^)
1. Work more on the RV while losing weight.
2. Complete PPL while losing weight (I'm a little behind the aviator curve...:eek:)
3. Start my IFR training while losing weight
4. Continue working on last years resolution to lose weight.

Evidently it is a lot of work to lose weight. Almost as much as learning to fly your own home built aircraft.
1. Gain weight.
2. Push ADSB install to Jan 1 2020.
3. Reduce exercise.

Flew only 83% out of planned hours. Keep reducing flying hours. :D

Happy New Year!
Somewhere about 40 years ago I made a resolution to never make another one.

Still havent broken that one:D
No resolutions, only general intentions.

Exercise more, fly more, eat healthier, lose some ballast. Fly more. Work more on the new airplane. Fly more. Expand my envelope and work on flying better, not just more.
Vlad, you make me laugh! I already installed ADS-B last year, and lost 20 pounds. So my goal this year is to keep the weight off and finish my house. In the middle of my build, I took ten years off to build this house. Five years ago, with the house "almost" finished, I got back to working on the plane and finished it up (Are airplanes ever really finished?). Now I've got to get back on the house and finish up the few items I left hanging before I get too old. Wish me luck.
Attainable goals

Several years ago, I dropped aspirational resolutions and now set reasonably attainable goals. And I get them done, which is sort of satisfying.

For 2019, I plan to reinstitute the use of apostrophes in my online posts and text messages.

So their.
(Spelling is a candidate for 2020.)
I'll join in

Get current
Finish plane
Fly a lot more (new plane should help)
Be more active on VAF
Read more
Eat better
Exercise more well rounded routine (already run 3000-3700 miles annually)
Just a few

Exercise more
Lose 20lbs
Fly more (weather permitting)
Complete instrument written exam (to eventually be able to fly more:D)
Adjust work schedule to have flexibility around Oshkosh and Petit Jean
Cover Champ project
Maybe swap one mag for electronic ignition.

2018 Goals achieved
ADSB installed and working
Champ Fuselage, instrument panel and wings rebuilt
Made it into Oshkosh
Drove to Petit Jean :eek:

Hope everyone achieves their goals this year
2019 here is how I hope

2019 resolutions.

The plan to fly more.

We volunteer at Oshkosh in HBC
In June we attend the Bush Wheel Super Cub Fly In at Johnson Idaho. And a Super Cub Fly In in Winifred, Montana

We headed home after these three events in 2017 & 2018. In years before we have wandered around for an extra week or more. Visiting Maine, New York, Washington DC, and the great North West. Before Returning to RV Central for work.

The PLAN TO Fly More
Stay out at least an extra week after Oshkosh and The Bushwheel Fly in’s. Ideas?

I love New York Cheese Cake. Carol says that’s not on the loose weight plan
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2018 was a great year. I started a new RV project (my first since finishing my old RV-8 too many years ago to mention) and, as of a few weeks ago, am fully current (single & multi, VFR & IFR) again. Feels great on both counts!

For 2019:

  • Fly more
  • Finish RV-14A
  • Fly more
  • Get flying job
  • Fly more
There's definitely a theme... :D
2018 Resolutions

Last year I resolved to lose 15lbs so my plane would go faster:
Did pretty well for an old retired guy: as of 12/31 I only had 20 to go...:eek:
RV3B N931M
1. Get back on my RV-7 after an incredibly stupid mistake on drilling the HS to the fuselage back in September.

2. Get started on the finish kit, which has been sitting in the hangar since June with only the inventory completed.

If I do 1 and 2, the weight will take are of itself.
Lose weight to increase range, 10 pounds = 35 NM
Finish my wheel fairings to increase speed
Use that extra range and speed and make trips to both Canadian coasts.

Managed 57.6 hours in 2018 - 42.7 in my RV. That's my best year yet. I'd like to knock off another 37 hours by the end of April to see if 250 hours helps my insurance rates. That's a bit ambitious with the winter weather.
Last year I resolved to lose 15lbs so my plane would go faster:
Did pretty well for an old retired guy: as of 12/31 I only had 20 to go...:eek:
RV3B N931M

That made me laugh!

On that subject, I'm going to set a goal to lose weight as well; 25 lbs. Taking it a step further, I'm going to track my caloric intake and log my exercise via an app. Win, lose or draw, I'm going to pledge to log that info every day in 2019.
There is a theme here guys, what does that tell us? Build yr RV lighter or get smarter as you only have one go at life!👍:)
Start my RV-8 build.
Lose weight by spending more time in the garage building a plane
Make my first post on VAF.

One down, 2 to go!
Fly more
Install ADSB
Make all the tweeks to the programming in panel electronics
Get instrument current
2019 Resolutions (goals?)

2018 was a VERY good year. Lots of deferred goals achieved:
1. Retired
2. Lost 30 lbs
3. Jogged 750 miles
4. Got current after 23 years without acting as PIC
5. Earned Glider rating
6. TW endorsement
7. Returned the RV6 my father built to flying status

So 2019 will be tough to match, but here are some goals:
A. Keep the 30 lbs off !
B. Another 750 miles
C. Panel upgrade for the RV6 (or at least get everything working at the same time :))
D. At least one of OSH and Reno
E. 120hrs PIC

One of my pet peeves is people who say lose weight instead of building light.

Why not do both? I promise building light is the easier of the 2!
I think it sounds better to increase stuff since loosing stuff is hard.

Increase my RV?s useful load by 50 lbs
Increase my 401k to my retirement goal dollar figure
Increase my flying hours by 50%
Increase my daily water intake

Some of these may end up being multi year and unfortunately the second one already not looking good based on December performance.
One of my pet peeves is people who say lose weight instead of building light.

Why not do both? I promise building light is the easier of the 2!

At least extra weight on an airplane can sometimes buy you something else (capability, comfort, etc.). Extra weight on your person... well, that doesn't really do anyone any good.

Plus, losing a given amount of weight on the plane means you aren't carrying that weight when you're flying. Losing that weight from you means you aren't carrying that weight everywhere.

I lost 36 pounds last year*; my resolution for this year is to work on the airplane a lot more because it won't get done working only one hour a week. I can sleep when it's done...

*for those thinking about it, I found a good Fitbit to be a huge help... you lose weight by eating less than you're burning, but it's really hard to know what you're burning in order to know what you should be eating. The Fitbit numbers are pretty accurate in my experience, and provided you enter all your food accurately and consistently in the app, the numbers will work and it will happen. You just have to stick with it.