
Legacy Member

2018 Oshkosh RV Social

Monday July 23rd


Starts When The Airshow Ends

Ends When The Kegs Run Dry (or about 10PM)​

Hey, 60 days till Oshkosh! The Beer Fairy has again dragged her butt up the basement stairs and declared she was ready to party, so mark your calendar. It's Monday evening, July 23rd, opening day at OSH. Location is the back yard at 1366 W. Waukau, west of the control tower, just outside the EAA gate.


Official start time is "when the airshow ends", but a few start a wee bit early, merely to clear the foam off the top of the kegs. It's a public service.

Our location host is again Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. The Gallagher Gang will be there all week with refreshments and shade, plus they're hosting their own event on Wednesday evening. You're invited then too, so stop by and say thanks. It has to be the best place in the whole world to get answers to airplane insurance questions.

The Fairy drank all her own money years ago, so your favorite sponsors have again picked up the tab. They appreciate your business; show 'em some love. The lineup includes:

Barrett Precision Engines (Rhonda and Alan)
Continental/Titan (JB)
Delta Pop Aviation (Don)
Flightlines (Tom)
Flyboy/Team Rocket (Vince and Blake)
JD Air (Darwin)
Kitplanes Magazine (Paul)
Lycoming/Thunderbolt (Jeff)
SteinAir (Stein and the Gang)
TruTrak (Andrew)

The old lady ordered eleven kegs, eight Spotted Cow and three Fixed Gear. Warning; Fixed Gear is 6.8 ABV, so don't let it sneak up on you.

Which brings us to a serious message. Let's be responsible. Keep an eye on your buddy. Walk or get a designated driver. Make sure all your people get home safe.

Get a name tag when you arrive; the goal is to put faces with names. Social rules are the same as VAF rules; keep it civil, and keep it RV. We'll again have water and soft drinks for the no-hops folks. If you want food, grab something on the way, or try the place next door. No parking on site, unless you bring your miniature Harley. The WalMart bullhorn went in the trash, thus no door prize interruption this year. And please, everyone try to convince Jenny to dance on the picnic table. 'Nuff said. See you there!
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I have it on good authority the mini Hog is suffering suffering with carburatum non workum syndrome but a cure is currently being researched.
I may try to come with my wife and son who'll be with me at OSH this year. Question - I'm staying in Green Bay and will have car parked at the show: what's the best way to get there in that scenario?
I may try to come with my wife and son who'll be with me at OSH this year. Question - I'm staying in Green Bay and will have car parked at the show: what's the best way to get there in that scenario?

Shuttle wagons to the shuttle exchange station by the FAA control tower. Walk 100 yards west on Waukau, out the EAA gate.

Or shuttle to the bus park, maybe 75 yards from 1366 W. Waukau. Detour past the Sacred Heart food stand when you get off the wagon. Brats of course, but also Airventure's best little greasy cheeseburger, and generally less costly than food inside the gates.
Shuttle wagons to the shuttle exchange station by the FAA control tower. Walk 100 yards west on Waukau, out the EAA gate.

Or shuttle to the bus park, maybe 75 yards from 1366 W. Waukau. Detour past the Sacred Heart food stand when you get off the wagon. Brats of course, but also Airventure's best little greasy cheeseburger, and generally less costly than food inside the gates.

Excellent - thanks!
Fun Times

Can't wait. Always one of the highlights of the show. Proud to be a sponsor!!
So glad the Fairy is Back!

Can't wait for yet another great OSH and great VAF gathering. Big thanks to all the sponsors and volunteers who make it happen. This event has gotten very large since it first began...
This event has gotten very large since it first began...

More than 500 name tags last year.

Speaking of which, the usual reminder...let's keep it RV only please. No bouncer on the door, and no secret password, but we can't take everyone at OSH. Your copilot, your son, or your best buddy? No problem.
I guess I should start posting more so people know who I am and don't think I'm 'one of those people'.
Thanks Ned. Everyone appreciates the nice kit you gave away last year; it went to a good place, didn't it?

The sponsor slots are all taken (see post #1), so just grab a beer.

No formal door prize plan. If you really want to give away a fastener kit, I have an idea you might like.
Looking forward to participating this year... Any trouble with a young teenager tagging along?

I brought my business partner's grandson a few years ago. I promised to bring him again next year if his GPA improves :rolleyes:

Less than two weeks now! Everyone pray for nice weather. We've been lucky 7 years running, but the streak will break sooner or later. The old girl...


.... says the party goes on rain or shine, so bring your umbrella if necessary. Gotta keep your beer dry.
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Beer Fairy

Love that beer fairy. Builder Doll and I we see all you RVers there! Thanks Dan for pulling it off again!
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We're not doing the long string of door prizes this year, just because standing around while trying to hear your name announced on a cheap bullhorn isn't any fun.

However, VAF advertiser Ned Bowers really wants to give away a set of Skybolt fasteners (www.skybolt.com), customized for the winner's airplane.

Here's the deal. When you arrive, head for the picnic table to get a name tag. After all, the whole point of the Social is to put faces with names.

While you're at the picnic table, you'll have an opportunity to sign up for the door prize. One entry per person please. We'll put the entries in a bucket, and at some appropriate time, we'll blindfold Jenny, spin her around three times, and make her draw a ticket left-handed.....then we'll post the winner's name on the beer wagons. That way no one has to interrupt their drinking, er, conversation.

One week from today! See you there.
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Seven days and a wake up! Boomer's in as well as the usual gaggle of KC Flight boyz.
Well, another RV Social is history. Everyone seemed to have the usual good time, and for the 8th straight year, we got great weather. The name tag system says we had 500+ guests, which is normal. The Beer Fairy drank her fill, and has gone back to the basement until next year.

For what it's worth, the location and refreshments are not free. Please thank the folks at Gallagher Insurance, and your ten faithful sponsors. Here's the honor roll:

Barrett Precision Engines (Rhonda and Alan)
Continental/Titan (JB)
Delta Pop Aviation (Don)
Flightlines (Tom)
Flyboy/Team Rocket (Vince and Blake)
JD Air (Darwin)
Kitplanes Magazine (Paul)
Lycoming/Thunderbolt (Jeff)
SteinAir (Stein and the Gang)
TruTrak (Andrew)

The door prize was a full set of Skybolt fasteners, courtesy of Ned Bowers. The winner was (IIRC) Damon Ring. I have no memory of what Damon said he was building ;)

Jenny got up on the picnic table for the drawing, but declined to dance. Darn.

It seems that draft beer systems are like Lycoming oil systems, in that not everyone understands how they work. We had eleven kegs spit between two wagons, with two taps per wagon, one keg per tap. When a keg runs dry, I need to change the tap to another keg. Hey, I'm not hard to find. It seems this year when two taps ran dry at the same time, some folks got the idea that the beer had run out, and left. As a result, at the end we had an extra keg. Cry not, as I'm sure the Gallagher gang used it Wednesday evening. Still, a shame that some paid five bucks a beer at SOS, when beer was free at the party.

Thanks again to Dan and all the sponsors, we had a Great Time! My lil' dude especially liked the playground and other kiddos!


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