Cool cameras

Wow, those are quite cool! I hope the weather stays like that for the next few weeks!
What amazing looking weather there this morning. Would like to see some of that Saturday!
Well, I'm been watching the prog charts we've already had to start a weather tap dance and adjust things since we're coming from the Eastcoast. Originally we were leaving on Friday to visit friends overnight in Indiana along the way. But now we're planning to depart Sat directly for OSH and we'll hit them on the return. But it will all depend on what convective activity ultimately manifests itself over Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. if we delay another day or 2 no biggee (actually that's a lie --I'll be ansy as **** if we delay past Saturday but safety first).
We are just now getting into the timeframe where the prog charts for Friday and Saturday are actually useful - tomorrow afternoon will likely have some actionable data.
For the few that don't know you can watch the 3 J's at work
On the Warbird cam.

Jeff Point
Jerry Fischer
Jay Pratt

See you soon.