
Legacy Member
Back in Alabama (have work to do). Great trip home with a nice tailwind at 16.5K.

It was a good visit. I'm very lucky to have so many friends.
Back in Arizona. Great trip. Refueled in Shenandoah Iowa and Las Vegas New Mexico. Both were quick, easy, and reasonably priced.
Lots of weather enroute but mostly smooth ride until the last miserable hour. Home was 115 degrees when we landed.
Made it back home last night.

The trip home was SO much more enjoyable than the trip up. I spent almost exactly as much time in the air for the last 50 miles as I did for the first 900.
Flight home

Great flight home Tuesday morning. Only 6.5 hrs. flight time vs 8.9 hrs on the way there Saturday and I didn't even do any laps around Rush Lake. Had a small tail wind vs the 20-40 kts headwind Saturday.
Typical TS in Florida but managed to stay East of them on the way down the peninsula.

Andi and I made it back Tuesday night for work. Her first time there and first time camping for me.

We loved the beer socials, found a way to crash an ALPA BBQ and made new friends at every venue.

Good to see so many friends!
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We landed at the home drone a couple hours ago. Easy departure, clear enough sky to go VFR, nice tailwind (a rare 'tailwind both ways' trip). Homemade pasta dinner c/o my daughter tonight, because, you know, there was so much extra payload available for the trip. :rolleyes: Tent is up in the living room to get it good and dry prior to storage after last night's deluge (it did it's job, glad I had a quality one).
Us too.

Got there on Thursday and left our dead grass square in the grass at 11:20 AM EST this morning. Touch down at 4:25 PM here at home some 670 Nm. It was nice to try out the camp ground for the first time this year, even with the rain and wind it was fun. Hope to see all those there again some day soon.
Thanks for all the help. Yours, R.E.A. III # 80888
Me Too!
Rode the tailwinds home to Florida.

Great time! Especially, catching up with all the Oshkosh HBC friends.
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Whoop!! Slept in our own bed last night, (like a rock). We spent some splendid hours at 16.5k' just watching the miles fly by, burning only a drop of fuel at a time. Boy, that -9 wing.. Some RV drivers are really missing out :).

I must have done it all wrong this year. I'm already ready to go back (contrary to popular sentiment)! See you next year.

Got sleep, coffee... Off to the shop Batman!
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The boy and I had an uneventful flight home Wednesday. We had to dodge a few Midwest thunderstorms, but in general we flew in smooth air with light headwinds. The trip, complete with camping in HBC was awesome--my 5 year old handled it like a champ and we're already planning next year. Hopefully with more time to visit.
We made down as far as Sherman, TX to visit the grandkids. Sure was hard descending from that cool air to 103 degrees on the ground! My only disappointment was I wanted to do the Chicago lakeshore route on the way home but the Dynon showed 3 TFR's that would force us to far away from the shore at low altitude for my comfort. We had a great time despite a little trouble getting in!
Back home in Southern Indiana.

Driving sucks--especially around Chicago. But my wife flew up with a friend. It was her first RV-10 ride and her first time to OSH--DOUBLE SCORE!

Thanks to those who organized the RV-10 social Sunday.

Time to get back to work . . . on the plane. Workwork can wait until next week.
Shantel and I made a leisurely departure late morning and arrived back here at KMOR around 3:45 eastern after a potty break at KDNV.

The return trip was great all but the last 25 miles where there was a line of rain and storms parked just North of my field. Ducked under and washed off the bugs for a bit and circumnavigated the heavy stuff to find KMOR dry as a bone on the other side. Score!

Now it is time to go wash off a week of tent camping and start planning next year!

Great to see all the old friends and to make new ones!

Thanks to you all that volunteer and do a great job! Jerry and Jeff, your teams are awesome!

You guys on the board and the council, thank you for representing us!!!
After 5 days with the airplane at the Chapter 75 repair station I made it home Thursday with the engine purring like a kitten. Thanks to the guys at EAA chapter 75, especially Eric. Thanks to Dan and Bill, Tony, Don, Brandon, Figs, Rod and everyone else who pitched in to help.
Home sweet home

Relatively easy departure Thursday with our Okie gang, on top in clear blue skys to WeBeSmokin for fuel and BBQ and then low and slow in light rain for the last hour into Tulsa. Only issue was my Gemini AP went dark after leaving Osh so hand flew for 3.5 hours and developed a whole new level of respect for IFR pilots holding precision altitudes and headings by hand :)

Had a great time with good people, the volunteer team at HBC was outstanding as usual, learnt new stuff, and will be back:D

Well I departed about 930 AM on Wednesday. Had some pressing things at home to take care of. Blew through Chicago, around Indy, around Cincinnati, long ride to Knoxville, still feeling pretty good, on to Asheville. Over the mountains and through the woods to home I drove, arriving at 345 AM on Thursday. Averaged 80 MPH with the cruise on. Slept a good bit Thursday morning.

Good trip and great putting faces to names that are sometimes email addresses and voices on the phone. Big thank you for those expressing well wishes for Suzanne. WE really appreciate it---and it works. Really great news from the Wednesday scans------.

After 5 days with the airplane at the Chapter 75 repair station I made it home Thursday with the engine purring like a kitten. Thanks to the guys at EAA chapter 75, especially Eric. Thanks to Dan and Bill, Tony, Don, Brandon, Figs, Rod and everyone else who pitched in to help.

Man, it was painful walking through your tiedowns / camp site every day. I'm glad you made it home.
Roy and Sandy made it home

N174RT made it home to Orcas Island, Washington today. Route was OSH to Yankton S.D. to Beach, N.D. Overnight stop. Today, Beach to Shoshone, ID. to Arlington for lunch, then to Orcas. What a wonderful time machine! Most of the trip was at 8,500. Headwinds yesterday, but today, light wind under overcast, hazy skies. Great to see everyone! Oshkosh is really all about the gathering of our tribe. Thank you all for making it such a fun week.
After 5 days with the airplane at the Chapter 75 repair station I made it home Thursday with the engine purring like a kitten. Thanks to the guys at EAA chapter 75, especially Eric. Thanks to Dan and Bill, Tony, Don, Brandon, Figs, Rod and everyone else who pitched in to help.

What?s the story? Inquiring minds want to know. :)
best year ever for me. they seem to get better each year. direct in from Cincy at 11:30 Monday morning. easy out Friday morning. very well organized. two tents, all the gear, and room for extra stuff on the way home.

nice tailwind on the way home. in the descent.

What?s the story? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

Steve won the trifecta...a piece of **** in restrictor #4, an EGT instrumentation problem, and a cracked exhaust flange weld. May have been a voodoo doll in there somewhere.

Hey, don't forget to solder that screen.
Friday departure

Well, it was a great morning to fly home. With all the new innovations in the aviation world, I just had to stay one more day and take it all in. Other than the trip up to OSH, and the terrible arrival, this was a great trip. After being a part of the craziness this year, I'm considering not flying directly to Osh anymore or possibly arriving on Friday from here on out. Look at the Ripon arrival below and see how crazy things got at one point. After a perfect touchdown on the orange dot (patting myself on the back), I thanked the good Lord for getting me there safely. I parked the -7 and gave her some much-needed rest to cool down her cylinders. I'm thankful that I got to spend time with some great friends and make a few new ones.


The trip back home was nice. I left Friday morning right at 7AM. I was wheels up at 7:10 and on the ground at my home field, just North of Atlanta, less than 4 hrs later. This was the 2nd time I've made it home from OSH to CZL non-stop. Although it's great to make it home non-stop, it's a bit harsh on the bladder (eeek).

Now I'm looking forward to some local fly-ins in the Fall like TripleTree.
Only 2 days this year

Got back to KC Thursday morning just in time for a little (much needed) rain. We only had 2 days available this year but made the most of it.

2.5 hours from KLXT to KOSH Tuesday morning (7/24). Arrived shortly after field opened around 9:45AM. Straight in from the South to Ripon, Fisk and Runway 27.

20,500 steps on the fitness tracker on Tuesday
21,000 steps on the fitness tracker on Wednesday

Hated to see the Wednesday night airshow get cancelled but no choice on that one. Did catch the Twilight show at the ultralight field on Tuesday night with the STOL competition. Those guys have way too much fun down there.

Departed around 7:30 or 8AM on Thursday morning. Smooth taxi all the way from the HBC Island to runway 36L and we were back in KC 2.5 hours later.

I did pack the extra weight of an air mattress this year instead of a backpacking type pad and it was well worth it!

Looong trip home

Well I had a fantastic trip to Oshkosh.

I will tell you about my trip home as food for thought for any of you that may have forgotten the joys of flying commercially. I pulled out of camp Scholler at 3:00 Friday afternoon. Drove to MKE, returned rental car, checked bag (had tent, bed roll, box of new tools from Cleveland in it), cleared security and made it to my gate an hour and change before scheduled departure. Flight delayed 45 minutes, no problem, went and had dinner in the terminal. Boarded flight and flew to STL to make my ?quick? connection on to Dallas. Well delay after delay after delay and we finally departed at 2:40AM Saturday....Got home at 5:00 AM. 14 hrs from Whitman to home. I haven?t figured out what that trip would be in an RV (Maybe Scroll can tell me) but that is just a couple hrs shy of what it takes to drive it.

I am really looking forward to the day I can trade that experience for a challenging arrival and departure in my RV (and moving to HBC).

Can?t wait till next time...
Great Visit this Year

Great visit this year, albeit a short one. Once the show opened the weather was perfect! Friendships were renewed and added some faces to many made on VAF. Had to drive in due to weather damping Phase I completion, but hasty plans to arrive at Camp Scholler worked out.

Now sitting at 39.8 hrs and a newly sprained ankle acquired amidst yard work yesterday. A couple more days and I'll get that finished up.

Next year it will be HBC!! Early arrival, of course! :D

This year was a rewarding experience to see so humans working together and helping each other in many ways. Always a helping hand available, people ready to pitch in and help. The beer tasting, RV Social, and Vans Banquet all yielded a different set of people to meet.
Got home late afternoon yesterday. 10 hours door to door, 8 hrs on the Hobbs in the 1956 182. 4 guys and our stuff. 2 fuel stops, one in IL that turned out to be a short grass field. A metal box with a combination lock, code scratched into a piece of wood and a pad or paper to write name, address and number of gallons used so they can bill us. Then a crew car west of Atlanta to hit Jack’s for a late lunch, then dodging storms the last leg to north FL. What a great week at Oshkosh.
We left Friday morning and made it to Bountiful, UT for the night. Dodged around some thunderstorms over South Dakota and Nebraska. Had some very bumpy miles between Casper, WY and Rock Springs, WY, but clear skies. Love having ADS-B weather to guide the way around the storms. I never really get to use this in SoCal, since we don't have much in the way of clouds and rain.

Left Utah on Saturday and dodged more building thunderstorms between Delta and Fillmore, but clear the rest of the way to San Diego. 20+ mph headwinds the ENTIRE way on this leg, so it took 4.4 hours (usually is under 4 hours).
Someone had a bad trip home. I heard on the radio that someone landed on Lakeshore Drive yesterday. I know lots of folks like to do the lakeshore pass around Chicago and it seems likely it was someone on the way home from Osh. I believe it was an Ercoupe. Seems it was fuel exhaustion, according to initial reports.

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Great trip!

My buddy Sam Hodges and I flew up Wed. morning 3.5 hrs and flew back Sat. morning 2.9 hrs, sure beats the 9 hr drive. We stopped for fuel going up at KDKB De Kalb, IL and flew right in on the Ripon - Fisk approch, no holding. Coming home we stopped at C16 Urbana, IL., just outside of Champaign, IL..Our buddy Paul Reding stopped for fuel there also and we caught an Uber ride to the Black Dog Smoke & Ale House for lunch, great food, if your ever in the area you've got to try it. We may be flying up just to eat there in the future, might even bring the wifes along :)


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The ?Lumbering Beast? is home....

...RV-6 is on its way!

Louise and I traded airplanes at the show, so I got to bring the Tundra back. Two long days with some storm dodging in Nebraska on Saturday, overnight in Rawlins (WY) Saturday night, then a dawn departure for another six hours on Sunday. Terrible smoke across most of Nevada at 8500, but made it back home before noon. Technically VFR all the day, but really couldn?t see much of anything th last two hours across (familiar) desert and mountains. Glad to have a robust panel and ADS-B!
So much easier leaving Osh than arriving! I headed south to Ft. Worth, TX to visit some good friends. High overcast at first, but then a wall of weather in mid-Oklahoma forced me from 8500 feet down on the deck through patchy rainstorms. Flying at about 1500' agl over flat farmland, weaving in and out for about 45 minutes. Good experience, but something I'd never do in SoCal.

Total Hobbs time was 28.9. I'm bushed!! I was thrilled to represent the -9 in the fly-by demo on Monday afternoon that featured one of each Vans model flying the pattern on 36L/36R...it was the first time I've been an actual airshow participant.
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Had a great trip to/from OSHKOSH. Got lucky and missed most of the drama inbound Sunday. Left this morning about 0830 very short taxi from HBP to depart on 18R. Exactly six hours on the tach. Had an extra stop, because I didn?t catch that my fuel stop is only attended Mon-Sat. with no self serve fuel. (My bad). But was not normal route home, due to weather in Missouri, I went OSH-DSM-(AFK, no fuel on Sunday)- MHK- 52F. To go around the WX instead if fighting with it. Only added about 25 minutes more than the more direct route. But the plane is safely tucked into ?The VanCave?.
What a wonderful machines these RV?s are.
What?s the story? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

Steve won the trifecta...a piece of **** in restrictor #4, an EGT instrumentation problem, and a cracked exhaust flange weld. May have been a voodoo doll in there somewhere.

Hey, don't forget to solder that screen.
#2 fuel injector had something in it. Dan, did you ever examine the trash with your magnifying glass?

#4 had a crack 3/4 around the pipe just under the flange.

Sporadic EGT readings due to bad ground (I suspect because of the cracked exhaust pipe).

EarthX battery swelled with a burst cell.

All fixed with lots of help from friends and from vendor support. If one has to deal with problems it is best to do it at OSH. So many knowledgeable people in one location is priceless!

Dan, will be dealing with the spider screen as soon as possible.
#2 fuel injector had something in it. Dan, did you ever examine the trash with your magnifying glass?

#4 had a crack 3/4 around the pipe just under the flange.

Sporadic EGT readings due to bad ground (I suspect because of the cracked exhaust pipe).

EarthX battery swelled with a burst cell.

All fixed with lots of help from friends and from vendor support. If one has to deal with problems it is best to do it at OSH. So many knowledgeable people in one location is priceless!

Dan, will be dealing with the spider screen as soon as possible.

Glad you got it sorted!

Would love to know what caused the EarthX battery to fail. Any comments from them on what could have happened?
Got back home late last night. Trip back was eventful - looking at the forecast for Sunday, we decided to leave Saturday after the show and fly one leg. Unfortunately, our overnight airport ended up getting rained on that night and the next morning, and then this little Charlie Brown overcast stayed over the airport for hours.

I'm really glad I got myself night current again a month or so ago, or this trip home would have been a lot more interesting.
Safe in Tennessee


Sandy and I returned Sunday morning. We elected to depart early to avoid potential weather. We climbed to 13,500? and had clear skys all the way. That does not mean there was not weather to our west. I watched the radar for the rest of Sunday and Monday. I appears we could have found safe passage at a later departure time, but early was the easiest.

In all we spent 10 days on our RVcation, we left TN 3 days early and toured Milwakee while waiting out weather, and very much enjoyed Air Venture and all the people we met. Thank you to all the volunteers that make Air Venture possible!
Just landed a bit ago at home. Lots of storms to circumvent today. Have to love the Southeast in the summer!

What an honor it was for me last night to make the first flight of the Airventure One Week Wonder! It was an amazing culmination of a lot of hard work by the Van's team, along with some fantastic volunteers. I know some of the Van's team worked 20 hours days to make it happen, but it really did happen! A completely finished & flyable RV-12iS in ONE WEEK! I don't understand why takes us so long at home. The Van's team must have some special magic when they are all working together. :)
I don't know what was the actual final count of other people who came by to install a rivet and sign their name on the RV-12iS, but the last number I heard mentioned was over 2500. Isn't that amazing?!
What a superb accomplishment for the Home Built Community of EAA. I know many of you from this forum came by during the week to see it, and I really enjoyed meeting you or reconnecting with you!!!

Overall it sure was an amazing trip of which I never dreamed. I licensed an RV-9A in Madison, WI on the way up, and then test flew the RV-12 iS last night. That was fun. :)

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Fortunately all of the events of this OSH trip are now just fun memories!

1) Sunday attempted arrive - nuff said, went to Fond Du Loc (finished flight to OSH Wednesday morning).

2) Back to parents house, ARR from OSH Saturday. ARR controller made 4 airplanes feel like the previous Sunday at Ripon. A supervisor came on and cleared things up and finally I heard my actual N-number. We would have been better off just using CTAF.

3) Sunday late afternoon, TAF and METARs clear at least to ALN and improving conditions, home is CPS a few miles south. A wide storm pops up just north of the St. Louis area. Couldn't find a way around. Divert to Springfield (SPI). Two thumbs up for SPI approach who was as helpful as could be. We had made it to about 30 miles north of ALN! CPS never did clear though, so we would have still had an Uber ride to the car. Nice hotel in Springfield.

4) Short final to SPI, "What is moving on the edge of the runway!". A rather large coyote crosses right in front exactly where I would have hit him. Added a bit of power and landed past.

5) Finally, yesterday around 2pm the clouds lifted, and we enjoyed a short trip into CPS.
Just landed a bit ago at home. Lots of storms to circumvent today. Have to love the Southeast in the summer!

What an honor it was for me last night to make the first flight of the Airventure One Week Wonder! It was an amazing culmination of a lot of hard work by the Van's team, along with some fantastic volunteers. I know some of the Van's team worked 20 hours days to make it happen, but it really did happen! A completely finished & flyable RV-12iS in ONE WEEK! I don't understand why takes us so long at home. The Van's team must have some special magic when they are all working together. :)
I don't know what was the actual final count of other people who came by to install a rivet and sign their name on the RV-12iS, but the last number I heard mentioned was over 2500. Isn't that amazing?!
What a superb accomplishment for the Home Built Community of EAA. I know many of you from this forum came by during the week to see it, and I really enjoyed meeting you or reconnecting with you!!!

Overall it sure was an amazing trip of which I never dreamed. I licensed an RV-7A in Madison, WI on the way up, and then test flew the RV-12 iS last night. That was fun. :)


Vic, what a great week you must have had!

I hope some of you luck and experience rubs off on my -10 when it flies with your old engine!


Congratulations on the successful flight! It was great to meet you last week. I thought your condition inspection presentation was very informative and quite sobering.

Anyone thinking about buying a plane without a thorough inspection needs to look at Vic's pictures of things he has found over the years. If that doesn't change your mind you shouldnt even be operating a propeller hat...
N37JP and BigJohn Home Safe on Saturday

I flew out on Thursay 7/19 a day earlier than planned due to bad forecast for Friday. Worked with Roger Munsterman and Tony ?Captain? Kirk Friday/Saturday/Sunday on the booth prep for the One Week Wonder. Then put in five days of mentoring newbies and working elbow to elbow with those great guys from Van?s on N2018. By Saturday morning it was apparent there were plenty of volunteers available to finish the OWW under the tutelage of the Van?s team so I packed the tent and headed home. Left OSH at 10:30 on a very uncrowded deparyure from 36L, made one fuel stop at Claremont County in far eastern Michigan, and was home here in eastern NY by 5 PM. Nice tailwind at 11,500, one of the quickest trips home ever! My (old) 12 performed flawlessly as usual. I followed the rest of the OWW project including Vic?s first flight on the Vans Facebook page. Thanks to someone for posting all those videos so everyone could see the completion. I had a fantastic week, and am very honored to have been a part of the 2018 OWW.
Should be on video for RVer?s

FloMo14Builder;1277442) I thought your condition inspection presentation was very informative and quite sobering. ...[/QUOTE said:
I?ll Second that. Vic?s forum was one of the best that I attended at Osh this year.
Extremely good presentation.