
I've just received my 2017 Calendar from Vans and it's very nice. Lots of great photos of some stunning aircraft and the price is a bargain too (especially for us international customers as postage is included).

I think that this is a great motivator for those working their way through the build.
My 3 calendars arrived today. Was surprised to find my airplane as one of the ones in June. Most likely it is one of the oldest and the 2nd highest hours RV in the calendar.
Check out the mosaic portrait of Van on the Year at a Glance page. That's just amazing!! :eek:
I'm supposed to have a photo in there of my friend's RV-7A, maroon and white. I haven't received my calendar yet, so I'm waiting!
2 questions about this year's calendar:

A) Why no RV9's? Unless the cover photo is a 9, which I can't quite tell, there are exactly zero.

B) What happened to the captions, owners' names, and models for each photo?
They are there, on the accompanying calendar page for each picture.

You're right! I didn't have the calendar in front of me when I was typing yesterday. The caption that's missing, which I wished was on there, was the cover photo. But thanks to Scott's post, now I know who and what aircraft that was as well!

Thanks all!
My 3 calendars arrived today. Was surprised to find my airplane as one of the ones in June. Most likely it is one of the oldest and the 2nd highest hours RV in the calendar.

just wondering which plane is in the calendar with higher time than yours. :)