
Well Known Member
Today 30+ RV12 builders got together at the Home Built Camping Pavilion.

Oshkosh rv12 gathering.JPG

If anyone wants the original size photos us the link below


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Some familiar faces from last year. I see Paul trying to hide in the back!

Sorry I missed the gathering but maybe some regional gatherings can get the 12 community together through the flying season. Enjoy the rest of the week.
It was great to meet all of you and see the RV-12 so well represented. Hope to see you all again in the future.
A great time was had by all - fun to meet all of the others that have gone before and those newly starting that have not gotten as far in their kits as myself (who has been slow to say the least). Now what would be nice is to have the photo annotated with everyone's handle so we can remember putting the name to a face!