Bob Ellis

Well Known Member
I had the first Nickel Leading Edge (NLE) Catto propeller in the UK and it has the back up screws fitted (Dec 2011). It has been a wonderful prop for touring/aeros/operating from grass strips etc being a great compromise of performance, smoothness and quietness.

In July 2013 after being alerted by this forum I observed hairline cracks emanating from the screws. Discussed with Craig and my Inspector and decision was prop was airworthy but Craig offered to replace prop with new NLE design without the screws.

My new prop is being shipped to the UK this week but due to change of pitch and method of securing NLE the UK airworthiness authority has requested various items of information. I have passed part of the request onto Craig but some would be better obtained here.

I would therefore be very grateful if owners of the 2014 design 3 blade prop could post to me some or all of the following data:

1. Engine size
2. Hours on 2014 prop
3. Aeros? Y/N
4. Dual P-Mags? Y/N
5. Comments or issues with NLE

Thanks in advance
1. Engine size
Lycoming 0-320 on an RV-4

2. Hours on 2014 prop
Approx 100 hrs

3. Aeros? Y/N
Yes. Also the majority of those ours are formation flying which includes drastic and numerous continuous power changes.

4. Dual P-Mags? Y/N
No, slick mags

5. Comments or issues with NLE
The smoothest prop I have flown behind thus far.
1. O-360 on RV7
2. 46
3. Aeros? Yes
4. Dual P-Mags? Yes, dual EFII ignition
5. No issues yet operating off good and bad pavement, a little gravel and grass.
Very smooth.

Andy, How is the efii performing? Easy hot starts, good fuel economy, other comments... Did you install both ignition and fuel servo?
Apologies to AX-O and crabandy for the late reply. Thank you both for the info and I am pleased that my replacement prop is now cleared by the UK authority. Not only is it 3 lbs lighter its smoother and that takes some beating as my original was smooth too.

Thanks to Craig, his family and his team for replacing this free of charge and even taking the trouble to find my paint scheme and match the colour to the spinner.

A top product and top customer service.