
Would someone with an older rv12 with D180 and dynonAP with AP 74 share what they found to be the best roll/pitch settings.
Start with the default settings that the D-180 manual recommends, there is a set up manual on Dynon's website, the pitch settings have more selections such as sensitivity and gain, and a bunch of other's I have found that at best I'm lucky to see my altitude stay within 10-20' of selected. You can make adjustments while flying however find smooth air either by climbing or flying over water. Keep in mind that when turning on there's a few minutes of warm up if I can call it that, should be mentioned in the set up manual...I've been playing with my adjustments for a while, getting the pitch right has been challenging.
Thank you for responding. Finding the sweet spot for pitch is a challenge. My last changes gets me to about 20 -30 feet. That's probably as close as I'll be able to get it.