mike newall

Well Known Member
Let me say from the get go - I am not complaining about quality.......

However, I am finding things with the QB8 that were not there on the 7 and with that in mind and to hopefully aid everyone.

What have you found that is a PITA ?

1. Nutplates wrong on the forward attach for the control column. 8's - should be 10's.

2. The rear seatbelt attaches are wrongly trimmed and fitted which mean you can't fit the flap blocks without removing the seat attaches and reworking them.

I am running out of time tonight as I am packing for S & F - we fly tomorrow. I will post photos of the flap blocks when I am round the pool sipping red wine in Davenport.......

I would like this thread to provide a positive heads up to deviations from the build order to avoid the OMG moments when we realise that things are going to be difficult.
Ah, how I enjoy a standard build. I spent all afternoon machine countersinking longerons, and every one is perfect.

Here are some snaps of the rear seat attach. As supplied, the flap bearing bolt would not clear the angle. On inspection, the angle was not trimmed according to the print.

Comments ?




What have you found that is a PITA ?
I would like this thread to provide a positive heads up to deviations from the build order to avoid the OMG moments when we realise that things are going to be difficult.


I'm building an RV-8A, also have a 2010 quick build fuselage, and "feel your pain". In addition to the two items you experienced, I had another you may come across soon as I believe I'm slightly ahead of you in the build.

This is a picture of the aft bulkhead looking forward. The horizontal stabilizer is on the fuselage and it's time to mount the vertical stabilizer.


The four empty holes (under the black lines) were ostensibly provided to be match-drilled with the vertical stabilizer's spar for 3/16-inch bolts. However, the proper locations of the bolts are the four rivet locations below the empty holes and those empty holes should have flush rivets. Van's QB installed the rivets.

Therefore, the rivets needed to be drilled out and installed in the proper locations before match-drilling the bolt holes. (Alas, I didn't catch this until I had already drilled through the VS spar in the wrong locations so I hope you'll check carefully).

I'm hoping this is the end of my "OMG moments", at least on the fuselage :)
I had both of those issues as well. There was actually more than one place where the wrong size nutplates were installed.

Another thing they could do is leave the holes in the firewall up to the builder. The heat duct and cable hole locations leave a little to be desired.

Otherwise, great kit!!
I had the flap bearing issue, also where the tailwheel weldment goes onto the rear (the bit in your picture) there was an 1/8" gap so if the bolts were done up it would have distorted everything. i had to make a 1/8" spacer and use longer bolts to fix it. also that Ali angle (at the top of the fuse in your picture was fitted badly and had to be sorted. apart from that (and the front baggage floor screws fitted by arnold swarzeneger) the only other issue was all the oil used to protect it in transit (by ship) played havoc with the painting. no matter how much i de-greased, it just kept on seeping out of the rivets and skin joins!
