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Well Known Member
With a master stroke of self deception I've rationalised buying a WW 200RV. It would help lots with the rationalisation if we could get a group buy organised. Who would be interested?
Dain Bramage

I may smack myself firmly in the noggin' tomorrow for saying this, but YES, I'm interested!

(Dang. I thought my checkbook was gonna get a break for a while...)
Include the 151 and Governor?

I'll add a 151 Series and a P920-028 governor to the group buy. A sale is a sale... and a kill is a kill!
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I really like this prop and have been trying to hide greenbacks from "the boss". But I got a little carried away this Christmas. Can I get on the interested list but depending on how fast it shakes out may have to hold out for a bit.

I am interested. It depends on the savings. I am comparing the 200RV to a Hartzell blended airfoil.
More than just money on the line

I am interested. It depends on the savings. I am comparing the 200RV to a Hartzell blended airfoil.

Remember, the WW200RV comes with the backplate and spinner already fitted and ready for installation, and it is mucho lighter than the Hartzell.
Can you tell that I'm a VERY satisfied customer of WW and American Propellers.
No comparison

I am interested. It depends on the savings. I am comparing the 200RV to a Hartzell blended airfoil.

Count me in if we can score a good price. These are great people, I'm sure they will work with us!!

These are tough to compare. The 200RV was designed for the RV airframe. Balances to near perfection, is roughly 30+lbs lighter, comes complete with spinner ready to paint. The only down side is the 650 hours inspection time. This should go to 1000 hours soon.

In a head to head with a a lighter 7, same engine and a Hartzell BA, I was able to pull away at identical power settings. Smoother leaves less to chance on vibration related maintenance. Not real common, but possible.
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i'm in if...

count me in if the price comes out right. it's a little early in my project, and i've been thinking hartzell BA, but this sure looks like a great prop... so if the price comes out right i'll take the plunge.

i'd also consider a prop gov in a package deal (decided to pass on the recent pcu group by)
I'm interested, depending on price.

Balances to near perfection, is roughly 30+lbs lighter, comes complete with spinner ready to paint. The only down side is the 650 hours inspection time. This should go to 1000 hours soon.

Darwin - how do you figure 30 lbs? Randy Lervold weighed both the Hartzell (pre-BA) and 200RV and reported 18 lbs difference for prop+spinner. Still a great weight savings.
My Bad

I'm interested, depending on price.

Darwin - how do you figure 30 lbs? Randy Lervold weighed both the Hartzell (pre-BA) and 200RV and reported 18 lbs difference for prop+spinner. Still a great weight savings.

The WW 200RV weighs 38 lbs. So it would be roughly 18 lbs lighter. Thats still significant.
The WW 200RV weighs 38 lbs. So it would be roughly 18 lbs lighter. Thats still significant.

whirlwindpropellers website states 28#.
Add me to your list. I may be interested if the price is right.
Their detail page link is broken. site states 38#
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Maybe you guys can help me a little. I have a 180 hp 360 for my RV-9 and as you know weight is slightly higher on the 360 than the recommended 320 engine. Therefore c/s prop. I have an Aero Composite, Inc. c/s that needs new blades. I am told the factory can be rebuilt it for $6K. How does this Aero Composites prop and the WW 200RV you are talking about compare? How would the price to repair vs. new WW 200RV compare?

Need some specifics

We'd love to have the 200RV on our 8, but need to have some specifics on this deal: price, options, and any other pertinent info.

Include me in for 151 and govenor

Im also interested in joining a group buy. I would like to get a 151 prop with the p920 govenor.
Well, a week has gone by with no posts to this thread. Who is the point person for determining whether Whirlwind is interested in selling some props? There seems to be quite a bit of interest here from potential buyers, not a lot of interest from the manufacturer or distributors :confused:

With a master stroke of self deception I've rationalised buying a WW 200RV. It would help lots with the rationalisation if we could get a group buy organised. Who would be interested?

Seems there has been reasonable interest in this Group Buy, so I thought I'd bring to the top for those who may have missed it.
A bit early

I'm interested, although this is somewhat early (still working on fuselage). When does the warranty kick in? Upon purchase or upon first engine start?
Also interested in comparison with the Hartzell BA.
Yes but....

Yes but....

I would like to see the price.

I also would like to know if the warranty starts at purchase or installation?

I still have a few years before flight at this rate.

After seeing these at OshKosh in 07 and hearing testimony of satisfied customers I do beleive I will eventually go with this prop selection.
I like the fact that it "IS MADE FOR US RV'er's"
I Hope it all works out.
25 with their hands up

As of this moment, I count 25 folks who specifically said they were interested in participating in this group buy. Depending on the price, that represents something north of $170,000 worth of sales. That should get someones attention!
$170K, but possibly they have very little wiggle room to make a group buy attractive. Without a big discount, a few of the folks here would only whine.
Building a 9A, I am interested

We'd love to have the 200RV on our 9A, but need to have some specifics on this deal: price, options, and any other pertinent info.

I'm interested in a 200RV depending on the discount amount and timing . . . it's early for me, but I'll leap if the price is right!

Thanks to Jim and Doug for starting this group buy initiative.

Bill Palmer
Chino Hills, CA
Never mind!

I rooted around on their web site and found a spot that says "it's in developement".
I'll make the call

Hi Guys,

I've already got a WW 200RV prop and have a good relationship with the company. I'll work with them and try to get some details and report back.
Unable to call

I didn't get to call WW today due to a busy day at work. I'll call Monday and see what we can do.
Email to Doug

It might be in our best interest if Doug contacts WW. Doug is our fearless leader... and he carries a big stick.

Edit: >> Talked to Doug today and he has agreed to audit this thread and contact WW on our behalf.

I sent a private email to Doug talk about contacting WW. I was going to call but will wait. We don't need more that one person to call.
Waiting on Bob to call me back with the actual numbers...I was told to expect something this week.

Way early, but......

Please add me to the list as a definite maybe. If the price is right and the warranty starts at first flight, I'd definitely take part in the group buy.

The group buy has begin...

...all info HERE. Locking this thread now so all communications can go through the dealer who set this up from this point forward.

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