
Well Known Member
I am looking to buy an already flying RV8 and was wondering about the difference between the 200 hp and the 180 hp engine. I have seen the numbers on Van's website as far as speed and climb, and that seems pretty insignificant. I was more concerned with weight and balance. How much does the 200hp weigh with a c/s Hartzell vs. a 180 hp with the same prop? Also, is there a c.g. issue with the bigger engine? Does the battery need to be in the tail on either model? Any input regarding the pros and cons of either would be appreciated.

jartlip said:
I am looking to buy an already flying RV8 and was wondering about the difference between the 200 hp and the 180 hp engine. I have seen the numbers on Van's website as far as speed and climb, and that seems pretty insignificant. I was more concerned with weight and balance. How much does the 200hp weigh with a c/s Hartzell vs. a 180 hp with the same prop? Also, is there a c.g. issue with the bigger engine? Does the battery need to be in the tail on either model? Any input regarding the pros and cons of either would be appreciated.

21-40lb difference depending on model (A1A Vs A1B6), yes and probably.
Yes, Depends


You can go here to look at various builders RV-8's configurations and balance.


Mahlon posted exact engine weight difference in the engine forum, so search there for the number.

In general almost everyone I have spoken to agrees lighter is better. If you want the 200, the battery should definietely be in the back. The best balance, is probably a 'souped up' parallel valve for the power without the weight. I found a great deal on an angle valve, so that is why I am using one. I am also going to us an MT prop to cut the front end weight 15lbs. So, basically it all boils down to each individual plane and what choices the builder made. The spreadsheet should give enough info for comparison.

Good Luck,
Wade Lively
-8, finishing