
Well Known Member
It looks like there are some parts that need to be replaced (in the oil pump??) in order to qualify my engine for the 2000 TBO. Anybody know how difficult this is to do and whether or not it's feasible for the mechanically challenged?

Wayne 120241/143WM
oil pump

Pull all the rear mounted accesories, then the accesory case. The oil pump is mouinted inside the accy case. Remove the oil pump. If the accy case/oil pump surface is scored send it out for refacing. You will likely need oil pump housing, two gears and shaft. Get a Lyc overhaul manual to reassemble. You will probably want to pull the oil sump first so you can replace the sump gasket which also joins the accy case in the rear. Time consuming but not rocket science. Depending on engine mount you may have to pull the engine off the mount or at least move it forward.
Hey Wayne - -

Very easy to do. It is right beside the oil filter. It screws up into the pump housing. Just unscrew it, and install the new spring and other 2 parts. Safety wire it, and good to go.

John Bender
Very easy to do. It is right beside the oil filter. It screws up into the pump housing. Just unscrew it, and install the new spring and other 2 parts. Safety wire it, and good to go.

John Bender

John,..... Buddy! No job is that simple. It takes a trip to the local convenience store for a 6 pack of cool adult barley pops to even think about this labor intensive over haul! ;)
oil pump

The original post was about OIL PUMP not the relief valve. Two entirely different issues.
Very easy to do. It is right beside the oil filter. It screws up into the pump housing. Just unscrew it, and install the new spring and other 2 parts. Safety wire it, and good to go.

John Bender

This is absolutly correct for the Rotax 912 ULS in the RV-12. So simple a caveman can do it!
pressure relief valve

If your serial number is 6.77 5.789 or earlier you need the new plug and spring. 838122 spring. 841983 plug total $40.00.
2000 hour TBO oil pressure parts

Can anyone refer me to the service bulletin or other Rotax publication regarding this change? I missed it somehow. thanks

John, Just call your Rotax Service Center--you'll need to order the parts from them anyway. Have your engine serial number handy. They will tell you what parts are needed and cost. The SB is at RotaxOwner.com site and you can print it out. There is even a video, IIRC, at the Rotax site.

I did my mod at first oil change. You just pop a spring and ball (or follower) into the lower oil pump housing and screw on the new sump-type plug. It's a 15 minute operation if done in conjunction with oil change.

#264 flying since 12/10
Approved Service?

Something just occurred to me. To make this legal and activate the 2000 hour TBO do the parts have to be installed by either an A&P or someone who's had the 120-hour Rotax course? There's one of the latter locally if I have to get him to do it to be legal.

Wayne 120241 55 hours
Hey Wayne - -

If you order the parts for your serial number - you will get the 2000 hour. Nothing more was asked of me. I guess they assume if you order them, you are going to put them in.

John Bender
TBO not mandatory

This whole discussion on extending the TBO does not mean much for experimental aircraft. This is the definition of TBO "The TBO is a time 'recommended' by the manufacturer and depending upon how the aircraft is being operated, overhauling the engine at this time is not necessarily mandatory. For aircraft used for non-commercial purposes overhauls are not mandatory, but highly recommended. Likewise, the TBO time recommended doesn't guarantee that the engine will last that long".